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What ActiveModel left out

Results 52 active_attr issues
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When using an inline proc/lambda typecaster it should be run in the context of the object thus you can use its methods. In short we binds typecaster to the object.

Add multiparameters support like in rails. It is very useful for date_select and time_select rails helpers

Hi there. I'm using Neo4J, which uses this gem for attribute declaration. I'm also building a Rails app that uses UUIDs as primary keys in my Postgres database. I would...

Make the typecaster hash private, and expose a way to register typecasters.


attributes=, logger=, ==, === should all be protected by default.


We recently ran into a memory issue that I successfully traced back to the creation of an anonymous class (``) based on a type that includes `AttriveAttr::BasicModel`. Below is the...

All of the default typecasters are stateless, so allocating a new instance for each field becomes extremely costly, especially for larger models. To reduce this, we can memoize the `TYPECASTER_MAP`....

```ruby class MyItemObject include ActiveAttr::Model attribute :one attribute :two end Class MyObject include ActiveAttr::Model attribute :my_objects, type: [MyArrayObject], typecaster: -> { |values| { |value| } end object =...