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Extra transducers and reducing fns for Clojure(script)
Hey Christophe, I ran into situations a few times when I wanted to use `x/by-key` but run different transducers on values belonging to different keys. Example: ```clojure (x/into {} (x/by-key...
```clojure ;; this works (sequence (comp (x/by-key :foo (x/into [])) (x/sort-by first)) [{:foo 2} {:foo 1} {:foo 1}]) => ([1 [{:foo 1} {:foo 1}]] [2 [{:foo 2}]]) ;; this breaks...
I implemented this transducer, I am wondering if you would be interested to include it in your library. https://gist.github.com/green-coder/3adf11660b7b0ca83648c5be69de2a3b
I wonder what's the reason behind not having: ```clojure (defn first "Reducing function that returns the first value." ([] nil) ([x] x) ([x _] x)) ``` ? as a "complement"...
I've had this utility lying around for years, and finally decided to contribute it somewhere. I hope it's a good fit for xforms. Thanks for the great test suite! I...
When running a stateful transducer on a core.async channel I get an unexpected behavior: ``` (go (println (
Fixes two related bugs I found while trying to write my own transducer with multiplexed reducing functions. Two of the transducers that use `multiplexed` do not correctly handle the potential...
Would be nice to have an interactive doc using klipse or codox klipse theme. What do you think?
When I heard the name of transjuxt I assumed it could perform a transformation like so: ```clj [[:a :b] [:a :b] [:a :b]] -> [[:a :a :a] [:b :b :b]]...