isctl icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
isctl copied to clipboard

Cisco Intersight CLI

User Guide Build status Go Report

isctl - CLI for Cisco Intersight

isctl is a kubectl-insipired CLI for the Cisco Intersight service.


  • Generated automatically from the Intersight OpenAPI v3 spec - it should be easy to keep up with new Intersight features.
  • Written in Go and distributed as MacOS, Linux and Windows binaries - should work anywhere
  • Human, JSON or YAML output
  • JSONpath support for extraction and transformation of the data returned from the API



If you use Homebrew, the easiest way to install isctl is:

brew install cgascoig/isctl/isctl

If you don't use Homebew:

  • Download the latest release from the Releases page.
  • Unzip and move the isctl binary somewhere that is on your path (e.g. /usr/local/bin).


The easiest way is using the installer:

scoop install


  • Download the latest release from the Releases page.
  • Unzip and move the isctl.exe binary somewhere that is on your path.


  • Download the latest release from the Releases page.
  • Extract the .tar.gz and move the isctl binary somewhere that is on your path (e.g. /usr/local/bin).


The Quick Start below covers the basics but you should review the Users Guide for complete documentation.

Quick Start

Initial configuration

Obtain your API Key

isctl interacts with the Cisco Intersight REST API, so it needs an API key.

  1. Login to the Intersight GUI.
  2. Generate a new API Key (under Settings -> API Keys). Choose "API key for OpenAPI schema version 2" as the API Key Purpose.
  3. Save the key somewhere on your desktop and make a note of the key ID.

Configure isctl

Run isctl configure to configure it to use your API key. Follow the prompts for your key ID and path to the key file. (Note: the path to the key file should be an absolute path and doesn't support shell metacharacters such as "~")

keyID is currently ''
Enter new keyID or press Enter to keep existing: 123456789012345678901234/123456789012345678901234/123456789012345678901234
key filename is currently ''
Enter new key file name or press Enter to keep existing: /Users/chris/intersight-key.pem
2020/06/25 17:28:22 Writing config file

Querying Intersight

To retrieve resources from Intersight, use the isctl get ... commands.

For example, to query all objects of a certain type:

isctl get ntp policy


------------  -----------------------------  ------------------------  -----------------------------
    Enabled                           Moid                      Name                     NtpServers
------------  -----------------------------  ------------------------  -----------------------------
      False       5ecb069c6275722d3143e668           test-ntp-policy

       True       5ee1aa076275722d3122a944          cg-tf-ntp-test-1,
------------  -----------------------------  ------------------------  -----------------------------

For detailed documentation, see the isctl Users Guide.


How is this built?

There are a number of steps in the build process as the majority of the code is generated automatically:

  1. OpenAPITools OpenAPI Generator is used to generate the Go models and API client from the Intersight OpenAPI v3 spec. The OpenAPI Generator Go templates are customised to also generate an operations.yaml file.
  2. The Go program in generator-postprocess is used to parse the operations.yaml file and generate the command line structure in cmd/cli.go. This postprocess step also cleans up the command naming and creates the help text.
  3. Finally, the isctl command is built from the generated cmd/cli.go along with some supporting code.

Creating a release

The Makefile is used for most of the post processing and building isctl for the local system but GoReleaser is used for creating releases on GitHub.

# Create tag and push to GitHub
git tag vX.Y.Z
git push origin --tags

# Create the release
goreleaser --rm-dist