dio copied to clipboard
native_dio_adapter does not support onReceiveProgress and onSendProgress
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Steps to Reproduce
Provide onReceiveProgress
and/or onSendProgress
callback to any request method.
Expected Result
Callback is called the same way as without native adapter.
Actual Result
Callback is called only once after download is done.
Hey, native_dio_adapter is still experimental so some issues are to be expected.
Are you open to contribute this feature?
@ueman While onReceiveProgress
has a pretty straightforward fix (I'll create PR today for this), I am not sure about how to fix onSendProgress
because adapter converts the request object to http
package request for easy integration.
There are also serious performance issues with downloading using dio_http2_adapter
and onSendProgress
seems to have the same issues as here (but I could not confirm it yet for sure).
Should I create a separate issue for dio_http2_adapter
Awesome, thank you for the upcoming PR. Yes, please create a separate issue for dio_http2_adapter
I am not sure about how to fix onSendProgress because adapter converts the request object to http package request for easy integration.
I was afraid of that. I think in the future we should get rid of that conversion layer, but that was the easiest way to get it working quickly. Additionally, while it's still experimental it can change at anytime, so using http as a target also kept the maintenance work to a minimum.
I think in the future we should get rid of that conversion layer
That won't help to fix onSendProgress
. cupertino_http
and cronet_http
drains the stream before sending the whole body to the native code. We need either to make PR with stream body implementation into their repo or create a new implementation of native clients here.
Oh I didn't know that. Then there should be an issue on their repo about that problem.
I think that is desired behavior for them. They don't have any use cases for request streams, as there is no way to set the request body as a stream in http
I made a future request for cupertino_http package and when this is merged StreamingRequest will be working as intended. This should unblock the implementation of onSendProgress. https://github.com/dart-lang/http/issues/974 https://github.com/dart-lang/http/pull/975
They don't seem to be blocking anymore. Would you take another look if it requires further implementations? @Vovcharaa
@AlexV525 It definitely requires implementation of the condition when to use StreamedRequest
in native clients.
Should it be when onSendProgress
callback is provided?
Or should we create a new field in RequestOptions
for that?
This prevents onSendProgress
from working correctly.
That doesn't prevent implementing it in this native_dio_adapter
tho. And then as soon as the cupertino_http package supports it, native_dio_adapter will too
I agree.
The only question is when we want to use StreamedRequest
because for simple requests streams could be slower in the case of native clients.
Should it be when onSendProgress callback is provided?
I think this would be good at this moment.