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Linting CSS
Moving this discussion from issue #9.
From @anselmbradford
Along the lines of what @mistergone is saying, what about a jshint model that hints at what should be updated, but doesn't update the files directly? I'm not sure on requiring git hooks, but having an easy to turn them on would be nice.
and @jimmynotjim
Looks like grunt-recess and grunt-lesslint are the main linters people are using (going by NPM downloads). Recess also seems to have a SublimeLinter plugin for doing auto-linting.
This website has lots of CSS testing resources, which I have yet to thoroughly investigate:
Has anyone looked at, it looks very powerful for doing post-processing, linting, etc.
Is this something we should be doing? Are any projects doing this now? If so, what tools are you using?
I definitely think we should be. I don't know of any projects actually doing it yet.
Discussed 07/17 in front-end meeting. Closing issue.
JK LOL re-opening and putting in our backlog
Didn't folks try out CSS Comb? How did y'all like it?
We do this now with Stylelint, can we close this?
We do? I know we experimented, but it's not in daily use anywhere yet, is it?
It is in Capital Framework
Stylelint used in the wild in the design system
Could be added to repo