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On-demand header: make mega menu's search and submit a complaint components optional
Heads up that the on-demand header will need to be able to generate a (responsive) variant that does not include the search and submit a complaint links (background https://[GHE]/consumer-response/027-Form-3.0/issues/1#issuecomment-78078). Implementation timeframe will be between now and August.
Note that her comment also says "without nav"
Erp, right.. also no nav
Do they need any part of the header (like the eyebrow?) or is this just a white shape containing the logo and a green stroke?
Haha, yes to that description! :) However, the eyebrow will be included, at least as far as the tagline.
So a variation on the eyebrow?
I guess I'm wondering if this is a variant of the header, or it's own thing?
So a variation on the eyebrow?
Not sure yet whether the language links will be included or not. I'll update when I know.
I guess I'm wondering if this is a variant of the header, or it's own thing?
Hmm... I suppose it could go both ways, but since it's components of the header that are hidden as opposed to moving things around, I'd lean toward a variant.
This variant (just eyebrow with no language links and logo) could conceivably be used for something like You Have the Right campaign-style pages, too.
This is live on now.