Fabian Wallwitz

Results 136 issues of Fabian Wallwitz

We used to acces project documents from Windows Xp Explorer Since Windows 7 this does not work any more, because Windows 7 Explorer WebDav Client only works with AuthType Digest....

Can u help me installing unicode gem for jruby envirnment? MissingSourceFile: no such file to load -- unicode > jruby -S gem install unicode > Building native extensions. This could...

Can u please provide screenshots! TX for contributing!

Please add screenshots

Thanks for this nice plugin. Howver would be gret if you can upload some screenshots of the gui here in wiki. Tx a lot!

### Module Core ### Testcontainers version 1.17.6 ### Using the latest Testcontainers version? Yes ### Host OS Windows 10 WSL2 / Docker Desktop ### Host Arch X86 ### Docker version...


I configured a custom openId connect Authorizer which correctly redirect sto the ID provider login, authenticating the user and redirecting back to the configured https://app-backend-XXXX.azurewebsites.net/.auth/login/mycustomopneidconnectsso/callback, where the redirect uri's inside...

The existing docs say currently apache otel module only works for x86-64 instruction set and glibc version greater than 2.17 https://github.com/open-telemetry/opentelemetry.io/blob/main/content/en/blog/2022/instrument-apache-httpd-server/index.md This feature is requesting support for arm as well.


- No current logs visible. - Click refresh in Log screen ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/393286/212640633-14466ece-78ce-49f4-80eb-6ac769fc40fd.png) Exception is thrown - log is nor refreshed ``` Access is allowed from event dispatch thread only com.intellij.openapi.diagnostic.RuntimeExceptionWithAttachments:...


On Windows 11 Greenshot seems to bug with font sizes in dialogues ![image](https://github.com/greenshot/greenshot/assets/393286/61b91cf1-6d2d-4d67-a108-bc1dc3bf1352) ![image](https://github.com/greenshot/greenshot/assets/393286/7997a988-0679-4a9e-b44f-0a9b827dedb1) ![image](https://github.com/greenshot/greenshot/assets/393286/e572437c-4ff0-459a-94b3-9d3b046f097e)