Fabian Wallwitz

Results 97 comments of Fabian Wallwitz

I would have an look into https://jolokia.org/ https://docs.spring.io/spring-boot/docs/current/reference/html/production-ready-jmx.html#production-ready-jolokia

Bewlow is the effextive POM from eclipse, not sure if thata is enough. I worked around in the mean time by passing -Dlicense.skipAddThirdParty ``` org.codehaus.mojo license-maven-plugin 1.10 add-third-party add-third-party true...

So you say that its a bug (in my case) in azure devops maven artifact repo? Oh dear, now i have to file an issue for them :-/

Same issue here with 1.9.0-debug and 1.9.1-debug - but i even don't have any "--cache*" params, but still does not work 90550K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 99% 50.1M 0s...

This is a cross plugin plugin with redmine_people plugin if i try to add file to use context. See also http://redminecrm.com/boards/16/topics/392-bug-errors-calling-peope-enitity-after-having-uploaded-one-file-in-my-profile

I think chrome has its "own" internal pdf viewer, instead to fox and ie where adobe's pdf viewer is used. This is a known issue with the built in PDF...