xiaomi-mqtt copied to clipboard
Crash at : "get_id_list"
Hi, I installed "xiaomi-mqtt" on Proxmox 8.1 and everything works ok (after install chalk 4.1.2), only one command crashes the program. It is about the "get_id_list" command;
(topic: xiaomi/to/get_id_list
payload: {"sid":"fff..."}
The command is correct, I copied it from Node-RED running on Raspberry Pi3 from 2019... ;)
I assume that it is about some kind of breaking changes/dependencies during this long period... If there is any help, I would appreciate it!
c/p of error:
throw new ERR_SOCKET_BAD_PORT(name, port, allowZero);
RangeError [ERR_SOCKET_BAD_PORT]: Port should be > 0 and < 65536. Received type number (0).
at validatePort (node:internal/validators:424:11)
at Socket.send (node:dgram:632:12)
at get_id_list (/root/xiaomi-mqtt/index.js:180:10)
at MqttClient.<anonymous> (/root/xiaomi-mqtt/lib/mqtt.js:94:9)
at MqttClient.emit (node:events:518:28)
at handlePublish (/root/xiaomi-mqtt/node_modules/mqtt/build/lib/handlers/publish.js:97:20)
at handle (/root/xiaomi-mqtt/node_modules/mqtt/build/lib/handlers/index.js:28:35)
at work (/root/xiaomi-mqtt/node_modules/mqtt/build/lib/client.js:225:40)
at writable._write (/root/xiaomi-mqtt/node_modules/mqtt/build/lib/client.js:250:13)
at writeOrBuffer (/root/xiaomi-mqtt/node_modules/readable-stream/lib/internal/streams/writable.js:334:12) {
Node.js v20.11.1
By the way, I use "xiaomi-mqtt" since 2019, 24/7/365, it just works without error!