CFLint copied to clipboard
Element parsing error, for cfargument, "#["text"]#"
Second cfargument wont be passed to element(final Element element, final Context context, final BugList bugs) function, because of default="#["xx"]#"
<cfcomponent displayname="t" hint="z">
<cffunction name = "test" access = "Public">
<cfargument name = "1" type = "array" required = "false" default=#[""]# />
<cfargument name = "2" type = "array" required = "false" default="#["xx"]#" />
<cfargument name = "3" type = "struct" required = "false" default="#{}#" />
<cfargument name = "4" type="string" required="false" default="" />
<cfreturn 1 />
Can be tested with rule ARG_HINT_MISSING