helm-nifi copied to clipboard
[cetic/nifi] Configure oidc clientId & clientSecret using k8s Secret
Provide a secure means to configure oidc by referencing an existing secret. End goal is to support deployment via GitOps. Values yaml will be stored in a git repo that should not have sensitive values in plain text.
This may require a large change in how nifi.properties is created and maintained. It is potentially outside the scope of this project. However I wanted to document that the GitOps use-case exists.
Hi @jdesroch you might consider something like this .gitlab-ci.yml
fragment we use, with $KEYCLOAK_SECRET
managed as a Gitlab protected and masked variable (see https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/ci/variables/):
stage: deploy_nifi
- k8s
- some_namespace
- some_other_tag
- main@some_namespace/nifi
- .gitlab-ci.yml
- nifi-values.yaml
name: lachlanevenson/k8s-helm:v3.8.2
entrypoint: [""]
script: |
set -ex
helm repo add cetic https://cetic.github.io/helm-charts
helm repo update
helm upgrade --install \
--namespace some_namespace \
nifi \
cetic/nifi \
--version 1.1.0 \
-f nifi-values.yaml \
--set auth.oidc.clientSecret="$KEYCLOAK_SECRET"
@wknickless Thank you. I can see how this CI solution would work for many cases. I am specifically trying to find a secure solution using FluxCD. From my research this requires reference to a k8s secret, perhaps created via Sealed Secrets. Flux deployment model does not provide hooks for pre-processing with gitlab or other CI variable insertion.