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Cesium Web Frontend

Cesium Web Frontend

Build Status


Web frontend for the cesium library. Within the browser, users can upload time series data data, extract features, fit a model, and generate predictions for new data.

Getting started

The easiest way to try the web app is to run it through Docker:

  1. Download the docker-compose file for Cesium: curl -Lo docker-compose.yaml https://raw.githubusercontent.com/cesium-ml/cesium_web/master/docker-compose.yaml

  2. Ensure you have Docker Compose up and running, then: docker-compose up

  3. Wait a few seconds and navigate to http://localhost:9000

  4. Create a project and go! If you want some test data, an example header file and time series data are available at

    curl -Lo example-headers.dat https://raw.githubusercontent.com/cesium-ml/cesium-data/master/asas_training/asas_training_subset_classes.dat
    curl -Lo example-series.tar.gz https://raw.githubusercontent.com/cesium-ml/cesium-data/master/asas_training/asas_training_subset.tar.gz

Running the app locally

  1. A Python 3.6 or later installation is required.

  2. Install the following dependencies: Supervisor, NGINX, PostgreSQL, Node.JS.

  • On macOS:

    1. Using Homebrew: brew install supervisor nginx postgresql node
    2. Start the postgresql server:
    • to start automatically at login: brew services start postgresql
    • to start manually: pg_ctl -D /usr/local/var/postgres start
  • On Linux:

    1. Using apt-get: sudo apt-get install nginx supervisor postgresql libpq-dev npm nodejs-legacy
    2. It may be necessary to configure your database permissions: at the end of your pg_hba.conf (typically in /etc/postgresql/9.6/main), add the following lines:
    local   all             postgres                                peer
    local cesium cesium trust
    local cesium_test cesium trust

    and restart postgresl (sudo service postgresql restart).

  1. Initialize the database with make db_init

If you've run this script before, you may see warnings here about the database already existing. Ignore those.

  1. Run make to start the server and navigate to localhost:5000


Copy config.yaml.defaults to config.yaml and customize.

  • Under server, set 'multi_user' to True to enable logins. Also provide the Google credentials, obtained as described in the config file.
  • Under app, modify the secret-key.

Dev Tips

To execute the test suite:

  • Install ChromeDriver from: https://sites.google.com/a/chromium.org/chromedriver/home (The binary has to be placed somewhere on your path.)

  • Install Chrome or Chromium

  • Optional: install xfvb for headless tests (only available on Linux)

  • make test_headless or make test

    To run a single test:

    ./tools/test_frontend.py cesium_app/tests/frontend/test_build_model.py::test_build_model_rfc

    Prepend the above with xvfb-run to run in headless mode.


  • Run make log to watch log output
  • Run make stop to stop any running web services.
  • Run make attach to attach to output of webserver, e.g. for use with pdb.set_trace()
  • Run make check-js-updates to see which Javascript packages are eligible for an upgrade.


To ensure that JavaScript & JSX code conforms with industry style recommendations, after adding or modifying any .js or .jsx files, run ESLint with node_modules/eslint/bin/eslint.js -c .eslintrc --ext .jsx,.js static/js/. To automatically run ESLint when you make changes to your JavaScript code, add a pre-commit hook by adding the following to your .git/hooks/pre-commit:

# Pre-commit Git hook to run ESLint on JavaScript files.
# If you absolutely must commit without testing,
# use: git commit --no-verify (git commit -n)

filenames=($(git diff --cached --name-only HEAD))

for i in "${filenames[@]}"
    if [[ $i =~ \.js$ ]] || [[ $i =~ \.jsx$ ]] ;
        echo node_modules/eslint/bin/eslint.js -c .eslintrc $i
        node_modules/eslint/bin/eslint.js -c .eslintrc $i
        if [ $? -ne 0 ];
            exit 1

Docker images

Run make docker-images to build and push to Docker hub.