android-latest icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
android-latest copied to clipboard

Latest android versions for developers (buildTools, TargetSdk, etc.)


Latest android versions for developers. Can be found online here

The following table was automatically generated based on data.json:

Key Value Usage
androidGradlePluginVersion 3.0.1 classpath ''
gradleVersion 4.5.1
compileSdkVersion 27 compileSdkVersion 27
buildToolsVersion 27.0.3 buildToolsVersion '27.0.3'
targetSdkVersion 27 targetSdkVersion 27
latestSupportVersion 27.0.2 compile ''
googlePlayServicesVersion 11.8.0 compile ''
latestAndroidVersionNumber 8.1 N/R
latestAndroidVersionCode 27 N/R
latestAndroidVersionName Oreo N/R
latestAndroidReleaseDate 05 December 2017 N/R


I'm always wondering what the latest versions of buildTools/support/etc. are, so here is a repository with the updated information for consultation. Anyone can open a pull request if any version comes out and I fail to notice.

Available outputs

## Using the build.gradle

Apply this in your main build.gradle

apply from: ''

Use the variables at will

buildToolsVersion rootProject.ext.buildToolsVersion


  1. Fork the project
  2. Update the data.json
  3. Run the ruby generator.rb
  4. Create the pull request


This project is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.