jda-slash-commands copied to clipboard
Slash commands (and message components) for JDA
JDA now officially supports interactions (slash commands and buttons) in release 4.3.0. That means that this library will no longer receive updates.
Slash commands for JDA
This library is only a temporary solution until JDA officially supports slash commands. I decided against contributing to JDA because I don't want to mess up their code base.
This library is also lacking some documentation. If you have any questions feel free to open an issue.
- Commands
- Interactions
- Interactions responses
- Followup messages
- Command permissions
- Command routers (Automatically route interactions to your command framework)
- Message components
Slash Commands:
public class MyBot {
private static final String BOT_TOKEN = "********";
private static final String APPLICATION_ID = "12345654321";
public static void main(String[] args) {
JDA jda = JDABuilder.setRawEventsEnabled(true).createDefault(BOT_TOKEN).build();
public void initCommands(JDA jda) {
JDASlashCommands.initialize(jda, BOT_TOKEN, APPLICATION_ID);
JDASlashCommands.submitGlobalCommand(new CommandBuilder()
.name("test-command") // Set command name to '/test-command'
.desc("My cool test command")
.option(new CommandBuilder.SubCommandGroupBuilder()
.name("some-group") // Specify a group that can hold multiple sub commands
.desc("This is a wonderful group")
.option(new CommandBuilder.SubCommandBuilder()
.name("hello") // Specify sub command 'hello' (/test-command some-group hello)
.desc("Greet a user")
.option(new ApplicationCommandOption(
"user", // Note the lower case name - Names have to be lower case or else things could break
"Specify a user to greet",
.option(new CommandBuilder.SubCommandBuilder()
.name("animal") // Specify sub command 'animal' (/test-command some-group animal)
.desc("Show a animal picture")
.choices( // Only allow certain values: Cat, Dog and Platypus
ApplicationCommandOptionType.STRING, // Specify type of the choice: STRING or INTEGER
"animal", // Note the lower case name - Names have to be lower case or else things could break
"Specify the animal",
new ApplicationCommandOptionChoice("Cat", "cat"),
new ApplicationCommandOptionChoice("Dog", "cat"),
new ApplicationCommandOptionChoice("Platypus", "platypus")
.build(), new ApplicationCommandListener() {
public void onInteraction(final Interaction interaction) {
System.out.println("We got an interaction! Yay!");
Message components:
public class MyBot {
private static final String BOT_TOKEN = "********";
private static final String APPLICATION_ID = "12345654321";
public static void main(String[] args) {
JDA jda = JDABuilder.setRawEventsEnabled(true).createDefault(BOT_TOKEN).build();
public void initCommands(JDA jda) {
JDASlashCommands.initialize(jda, BOT_TOKEN, APPLICATION_ID);
// Add a component listener that will get called
// every time a component is clicked
JDASlashCommands.addComponentListener(interaction -> {
final Component clickedComponent = interaction.getClickedComponent();
if (clickedComponent instanceof Button) {
final Button button = clickedComponent.cast();
interaction.respond("You clicked " + button.getLabel() + "!");
// Add a one time component listener that will
// get called when a button with the provided
// button id is clicked
JDASlashCommands.addOneTimeComponentListener("my_btn", interaction -> {
final Component clickedComponent = interaction.getClickedComponent();
final Button button = clickedComponent.cast();
interaction.respond("You clicked " + button.getLabel() + "!");
// Create an example command and respond to
// interactions with message components
JDASlashCommands.submitGlobalCommand(new CommandBuilder()
.desc("Test command")
.build(), interaction -> {
interaction.respond("Available actions:", Arrays.asList(
Button.normalButton(Button.Style.PRIMARY, "Action 1", "my_btn"),
Button.normalButton(Button.Style.SECONDARY, "Action 2", "my_btn_0"),
Button.normalButton(Button.Style.DANGER, "Action 3", "my_btn_1"),
Button.normalButton(Button.Style.SUCCESS, "Action 4", "my_btn_2")
Button.emojiButton(Button.Style.SUCCESS, "Emoji!", "my_btn_3",
Button.emojiButton(Button.Style.DANGER, "Another emoji!", "my_btn_4",
// Link buttons seem to be broken at the moment
//Button.emojiLinkButton(Button.Style.DANGER, "Emoji with link!", "https://cerus.dev",
// Button.PartialEmoji.getDefaultEmoji("✨")),
//Button.linkButton(Button.Style.SECONDARY, "Link!", "https://discord.com")
Since version 1.2.2, you can install jda-slash-commands
from the central repository.
Before 1.2.2
<!--Replace TAG with the version-->
allprojects {
repositories {
maven { url 'https://jitpack.io' }
dependencies {
implementation 'com.github.cerus:jda-slash-commands:TAG'
<version>1.3.1</version> <!-- Replace with latest version -->
allprojects {
repositories {
dependencies {
implementation 'dev.cerus:jda-slash-commands:1.3.1'