pastelyzer icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
pastelyzer copied to clipboard

The paste analyzer

#+TITLE: Pastelyzer

  • Introduction

This is ~pastelyzer~: the paste analyzer. The user manual can be found in [[file:doc]] directory.

#+ATTR_HTML: :width 95% #+ATTR_LATEX: :width 0.95\textwidth :float nil [[file:doc/img/cli-33E400e1.png]]

The easiest way to run ~pastelyzer~ is by using the provided binary.

  • Runtime dependencies (standalone mode only) ** Libraries

The following libraries must be installed on the target system:

  • ~libssl~
  • ~libzmq~ (version 3+)

*** Ubuntu Bionic (18.04), Eoan (19.10) packages

  • ~libssl1.1~
  • ~libzmq5~

** Database

PostgreSQL database (at least version 9.5) is required. Necessary tables will be created automatically. Database access parameters can be controlled using environment variables ~DB_HOST~, ~DB_PORT~, ~DB_NAME~, ~DB_USER~ and ~DB_PASS~. See user guide, section "Environment variables."

  • Compilation ** Set up a working Common Lisp environment

~pastelyzer~ works with SBCL and ClozureCL:


We strongly suggest using SBCL (which is also the implementation used in the examples below). Most Linux distributions already have an ~sbcl~ package available.

** Install system packages

To follow the instructions below you'll need the following software:

  • C compiler (~gcc~).
  • ~curl~ (to download Quicklisp).
  • ~git~ (to clone ~pastelyzer~).
  • Header files for ~libssl~ and ~libzmq~.

If you're using Ubuntu, you can install all of the above using the following command:


apt install build-essential curl git libssl-dev libzmq3-dev sbcl


** Install Quicklisp

An abridged version of the official [[][Quicklisp install instructions]]:

#+BEGIN_EXAMPLE $ curl -O $ sha256sum quicklisp.lisp 4a7a5c2aebe0716417047854267397e24a44d0cce096127411e9ce9ccfeb2c17 quicklisp.lisp $ sbcl --load quicklisp.lisp
--eval '(quicklisp-quickstart:install)'
--quit #+END_EXAMPLE

** Clone the source repository

#+BEGIN_EXAMPLE $ git clone --recurse-submodules $ cd pastelyzer #+END_EXAMPLE

** Install dependencies

This has to be done only once (whenever the lisp library dependencies change). In the ~pastelyzer~ directory run the ~bin/ script with ~load-deps~ command:

#+BEGIN_EXAMPLE $ bin/ load-deps #+END_EXAMPLE

** Run the test suite (optional)


** Build an executable

Run ~bin/ script with no parameters in ~pastelyzer~ directory:


  • Copyright and License

~pastelyzer~ is released under the terms of zlib/libpng license. See [[file:LICENSE]] file.

  • Acknowledgements

This work was partially funded by CEF (Connecting Europe Facility) funding under "Improving Cyber Security Capacities in Latvia" (INEA/CEF/ICT/A2017/1528784).

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