data-curation copied to clipboard
CMS: 2016 MC categories
from #124
Run categorization script:
- [ ] update the early MC listing in CMS-2016-mc-datasets.txt with the current listing #156
- [ ] run the categorization script and check if the resulting output is OK
Categorisation Results
Page generated on Fri Feb 17 13:05:51 CET 2023
19294 datasets in total:
# | Category |
376 | B physics and Quarkonia |
2738 | Higgs Physics/Standard Model |
772 | Higgs Physics/Beyond Standard Model |
192 | Standard Model Physics/Drell-Yan |
641 | Standard Model Physics/ElectroWeak |
2 | Standard Model Physics/Forward and Small-x QCD Physics |
0 | Standard Model Physics/Minimum Bias |
93 | Standard Model Physics/QCD |
409 | Standard Model Physics/Top physics |
0 | Standard Model Physics/Miscellaneous |
0 | Heavy-Ion Physics |
569 | Beyond 2 Generations |
0 | Exotica/Colorons, Axigluons, Diquarks |
0 | Exotica/Contact Interaction |
0 | Exotica/Dark Matter |
190 | Exotica/Excited Fermions |
30 | Exotica/Extra Dimensions |
871 | Exotica/Gravitons |
0 | Exotica/Heavy Fermions, Heavy Righ-Handed Neutrinos |
274 | Exotica/Heavy Gauge Bosons |
384 | Exotica/Leptoquarks |
0 | Exotica/Resonances |
128 | Exotica/Miscellaneous |
10387 | Supersymmetry |
8 | Physics Modelling |
1230 | Miscellaneous |
For the full list, see
In Miscellaneous
Example datasets among N similar (numbers approximative)
Can do more later and make additions to the script, but here's a first pass at assigning miscellaneous.
ALP = axion-like particles. Exotica of some type (dark matter?) MonoPhoton_Znunugamma = Exotica/Dark Matter TphiTo2Chi = Exotica/Dark Matter
B0(s)ToMM = B physics BcToJ = B physics
HeavyNeutrino = Exotica/Heavy Fermions SSWWTypeIHeavyN = Exotica/Heavy Fermions VLLSinglet = Exotica/Heavy Fermions
HpseudoToTT = Higgs Physics/Beyond Standard Model HscalarToTT = Higgs Physics/Beyond Standard Model
SMEFTfr_TT(ST)_LFV = top SM effective theory with lepton flavor violation...
TAToTTQ = 2 higgs doublet model TS0ToTTQ = 2 higgs doublet model
TTXX (4b, HH, TT, ZZ, etc) = Standard Model Physics/Top physics TWZToLL = Standard Model Physics/Top physics
VBS = Standard Model Physics/ElectroWeak Wminus = Standard Model Physics/ElectroWeak Wplus = Standard Model Physics/ElectroWeak
XToYYprime = Exotica/Resonances