dovecot-ceph-plugin copied to clipboard
Make RadosStorage Interfaces independent from librados
// -*- mode:C++; tab-width:8; c-basic-offset:2; indent-tabs-mode:t -*-
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* Copyright (c) 2017-2018 Tallence AG and the authors
* This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software
* Foundation. See file COPYING.
#include <string>
#include <map>
#include <list>
#include <rados/librados.hpp>
#include "rados-cluster.h"
#include "rados-mail.h"
#include "rados-types.h"
namespace librmb {
/** class RadosStorage
* brief an abstract Rados Storage
* details This abstract class provides the api
* to create a rados cluster Storage.
class RadosStorage {
virtual ~RadosStorage() {}
* if connected, return the valid ioCtx
virtual librados::IoCtx &get_io_ctx() = 0;
/*! get the object size and object save date
* @param[in] oid unique ident for the object
* @param[out] psize size of the object
* @param[out] pmtime last modified date**/
virtual int stat_mail(const std::string &oid, uint64_t *psize, time_t *pmtime) = 0;
/*! set the object namespace
* @param[in] _nspace namespace */
virtual void set_namespace(const std::string &_nspace) = 0;
/*! get the object namespace
* @return copy of the namespace
* */
virtual std::string get_namespace() = 0;
/*! get the pool name
* @return copy of the current pool name
* */
virtual std::string get_pool_name() = 0;
/* set the wait method for async operations */
virtual void set_ceph_wait_method(enum rbox_ceph_aio_wait_method wait_method) = 0;
/*! get the max object size in mb
* @return the maximal number of mb to write in a single write operation*/
virtual int get_max_write_size() = 0;
/*! get the max object size in bytes
* @return max number of bytes to write in a single write operation*/
virtual int get_max_write_size_bytes() = 0;
/*! In case the current object size exceeds the max_write (bytes), object should be split into
* max smaller operations and executed separately.
* @param[in] current_object ptr to a valid mailobject.
* @param[in] write_op_xattr pointer to a write operation / if null, function will create new one.
* @param[in] max_write max number of bytes to write in one operation
* @return <0 in case of failure
* */
virtual int split_buffer_and_exec_op(RadosMail *current_object, librados::ObjectWriteOperation *write_op_xattr,
const uint64_t &max_write) = 0;
/*! deletes a mail object from rados
* @param[in] mail pointer to valid mail object
* @return <0 in case of failure. */
virtual int delete_mail(RadosMail *mail) = 0;
/*! delete object with given oid
* @param[in] object identifier.
* @return <0 in case of failure
virtual int delete_mail(const std::string &oid) = 0;
/*! asynchron execution of a write operation
* @param[in] io_ctx valid io context
* @param[in] oid object identifier
* @param[in] c valid pointer to a completion.
* @param[in] op the prepared write operation
* */
virtual int aio_operate(librados::IoCtx *io_ctx_, const std::string &oid, librados::AioCompletion *c,
librados::ObjectWriteOperation *op) = 0;
/*! search for mails based on given Filter
* @param[in] attr a list of filter attributes
* @return object iterator or librados::NObjectIterator::__EndObjectIterator */
virtual librados::NObjectIterator find_mails(const RadosMetadata *attr) = 0;
/*! open the rados connections with default cluster and username
* @param[in] poolname the poolname to connect to, in case this one does not exists, it will be created.
* */
virtual int open_connection(const std::string &poolname) = 0;
/*! open the rados connection with given user and clustername
* @param[in] poolname the poolname to connect to, in case this one does not exists, it will be created.
* @param[in] clustername custom clustername
* @param[in] rados_username custom username (
* @return linux error code or 0 if successful.
* */
virtual int open_connection(const std::string &poolname, const std::string &clustername,
const std::string &rados_username) = 0;
* close the connection. (clean up structures to allow reconnect)
virtual void close_connection() = 0;
/*! wait for all write operations to complete
* @param[in] completion_op_map map of write operations with matching completion objects.
* @return false if successful !!!!
* */
virtual bool wait_for_write_operations_complete(librados::AioCompletion *completion,
librados::ObjectWriteOperation *write_operation) = 0;
* wait for all rados operations
* @param[in] object_list list of outstanding rados objects
* @return true if successful
virtual bool wait_for_rados_operations(const std::list<librmb::RadosMail *> &object_list) = 0;
/*! save the mail object
* @param[in] oid unique object identifier
* @param[in] buffer the objects data
* @return linux errorcode or 0 if successful
* */
virtual int save_mail(const std::string &oid, librados::bufferlist &buffer) = 0;
/*! read the complete mail object into bufferlist
* @param[in] oid unique object identifier
* @param[out] buffer valid ptr to bufferlist.
* @return linux errorcode or 0 if successful
* */
virtual int read_mail(const std::string &oid, librados::bufferlist *buffer) = 0;
/*! move a object from the given namespace to the other, updates the metadata given in to_update list
* @param[in] src_oid unique identifier of source object
* @param[in] src_ns namespace of source object
* @param[in] dest_oid unique identifier of destination object
* @param[in] dest_ns namespace of destination object
* @param[in] to_update in case metadata should be updated.
* @param[in] delete_source in case you really want to delete the source after copy.
* @return linux errorcode or 0 if successful
* */
virtual int move(std::string &src_oid, const char *src_ns, std::string &dest_oid, const char *dest_ns,
std::list<RadosMetadata> &to_update, bool delete_source) = 0;
/*! copy a object from the given namespace to the other, updates the metadata given in to_update list
* @param[in] src_oid unique identifier of source object
* @param[in] src_ns namespace of source object
* @param[in] dest_oid unique identifier of destination object
* @param[in] dest_ns namespace of destination object
* @param[in] to_update in case metadata should be updated.
* @return linux errorcode or 0 if successful
virtual int copy(std::string &src_oid, const char *src_ns, std::string &dest_oid, const char *dest_ns,
std::list<RadosMetadata> &to_update) = 0;
/*! save the mail
* @param[in] mail valid rados mail.
* @param[in] save_async if false save will be synchronous.
* @return false in case of error
* */
virtual bool save_mail(RadosMail *mail, bool &save_async) = 0;
* save the mail
* @param[in] write_op_xattr write operation to use
* @param[in] mail valid mail object
* @param[in] save_async if false save will be synchronous.
* @return false in case of error.
virtual bool save_mail(librados::ObjectWriteOperation *write_op_xattr, RadosMail *mail, bool save_async) = 0;
/*! create a new RadosMail
* create new rados Mail Object.
* return pointer to mail object or nullptr
* */
virtual librmb::RadosMail *alloc_rados_mail() = 0;
/*! free the Rados Mail Object
* @param[in] mail ptr to valid mail object
* */
virtual void free_rados_mail(librmb::RadosMail *mail) = 0;
} // namespace librmb