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apps copied to clipboard

Monorepo for Centrifuge frontends, including the Tinlake UI, Centrifuge App, onboarding app, and Fabric design system.

Monorepo for the Centrifuge applications

Preparing Envs (e.g when the dev chain data is reset)

Faucet (only available in demo and dev)

  1. Add a valid seed hex to faucet-api/env-vars/demo.secrets
  2. Fund the account wallet with all availabe pool currencies and the native currency

Onboarding API

Setup is ONLY for dev

Setup pure proxy to sign transactions (whitelisting & transfer tokens).

  1. Use sudo in polkadot UI to give Alice enough currency to distribute (tokens.setBalance()). For currencyId select ForeignAsset and submit the transacton once with ForeignAsset 1 and once with ForeignAsset 2
  2. Run /initProxies to create the pure proxy, fund it, and give it sufficient permissions
  3. Copy the resulting pure proxy address and add it to the env varibles: MEMBERLIST_ADMIN_PURE_PROXY (onboarding-api) and REACT_APP_MEMBERLIST_ADMIN_PURE_PROXY (centrifuge-app)
  4. Enable onboarding for each new pool under /issuer/<poolId>/investors


To add other repositories to this monorepo while preserving the Git history, we can use the following steps:

To set a pool into maintenance mode, add the pool id to the environment variable NEXT_PUBLIC_FEATURE_FLAG_MAINTENANCE_MODE.

Agile release process

To make sure repository admins can control the full workflow of our apps to production safely this repository provides the following flow:

  • Opening a new PR will deploy cent-app using the PR number to - There should be a comment with these links in your PR after deployment. Forks do not trigger a PR deployment

  • Merging code into main will deploy buckets and functions pointing to:

  • Demo deployments must be manually triggered. They are not required for the release process.

  • Catalyst deployments are triggered by pushing a tag containing centrifuge-app-v* in the tag name.

  • Altair and staging are triggered by creating a pre-release on the Github repository

  • Centrifuge is deployed by editing an existing release and unmarking pre-release to fully release it, it will promote the staging artifacts to

  • Using the github release manager the pre-release can be promoted to production ( using the artifacts generated in the pre-release. The production release must be approved by a reviewer.

(Coming soon: release web-bundle to IPFS)

You can follow your deployments by going to the Actions section of the github repo

HackMD docs:

More info

More info on our release process rationale can be found in our HackMD (Private link, only k-f contributors)

How to release to staging, Altair, and Prod/Centrifuge

1. Create a release and mark it as a pre-release

-> Deploys to and

Navigate to create a new pre-release. Make sure to tick the pre-release option.

  1. Create a new centrifuge-app-vX.YY tag on the release screen. Only tags starting with centrifuge-app-v* will meet the requirements for deployments:
    • Major version: release includes new features/improvments
    • Minor version: release only includes bug fixes
  2. Name the release CentrifugeApp vX.X
  3. Generate the release notes
  4. Tick the Set as a pre-release checkbox
  5. Click Publish release to trigger the build. You can follow progress on the Actions dashboard
  6. Once the build is complete, a reviewer must approve the release to trigger a deployment

When the deployment is finished a notification will be sent to the #eng-apps channel on Slack.

2. Create a production release

-> Deploys to

The deployment to staging from point 1. needs to have been finished first. The production deployment uses the artifacts generated in the pre-release.

Navigate to the release summary and select the pre-release you want to publish.

  1. Untick the Set as a pre-release checkbox and then tick the Set as the latest release checkbox
  2. Click Update release to trigger the prod deployment. As with the pre-release, the production release must be approved by a reviewer.
  3. Follow your prod deployment in the Actions dashboard

When the deployment is finished a notification will be sent to the #eng-apps channel on Slack.