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Python library to communicate with Centrifugo HTTP API. Synchronous and asynchronous clients included


Python tools to communicate with Centrifugo HTTP API. Python >= 3.3 supported.

To install run:

pip install cent

High-level library API

First see available API methods in documentation.

This library contains Client class to send messages to Centrifugo from your python-powered backend:

from cent import Client

url = "http://localhost:8000/api"
api_key = "XXX"

# initialize client instance.
client = Client(url, api_key=api_key, timeout=1)

# publish data into channel
channel = "public:chat"
data = {"input": "test"}
client.publish(channel, data)

# other available methods
client.unsubscribe("user_id", "channel")
history = client.history("public:chat")
presence = client.presence("public:chat")
channels = client.channels()
info =

publish, disconnect, unsubscribe, history_remove return None in case of success. Each of this commands can raise an instance of CentException.


from cent import Client, CentException

client = Client("http://localhost:8000/api", api_key="XXX", timeout=1)
    client.publish("public:chat", {"input": "test"})
except CentException:
    # handle exception

Depending on problem occurred exceptions can be:

  • RequestException – HTTP request to Centrifugo failed
  • ResponseError - Centrifugo returned some error on request

Both exceptions inherited from CentException.

Low-level library API:

To send lots of commands in one request:

from cent import Client, CentException

client = Client("http://localhost:8000/api", api_key="XXX", timeout=1)

params = {
    "channel": "python",
    "data": "hello world"

client.add("publish", params)

    result = client.send()
except CentException:
    # handle exception

You can use add method to add several messages which will be sent.

You'll get something like this in response:


I.e. list of single response to each command sent. So you need to inspect response on errors (if any) yourself.

Client initialization arguments


  • address - Centrifugo HTTP API endpoint address


  • api_key - HTTP API key of Centrifugo
  • timeout (default: 1) - timeout for HTTP requests to Centrifugo
  • json_encoder (default: None) - set custom JSON encoder
  • send_func (default: None) - set custom send function
  • verify (default: True) - when set to False no certificate check will be done during requests.

For maintainer

To release:

  1. Bump version in
  2. Changelog, push and create new tag
  3. pip install twine
  4. pip install wheel
  5. python sdist bdist_wheel
  6. twine check dist/*
  7. twine upload dist/*