centrifuge-android icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
centrifuge-android copied to clipboard

Android client to communicate with Centrifugo v1 over Websockets (not maintained anymore)


Centrifugo android client


Create client and connect:
String centrifugoAddress = "wss://centrifugo.herokuapp.com/connection/websocket";
String userId = "...";
String userToken = "..."; //nullable
String token = "...";
String tokenTimestamp = "...";
Centrifugo centrifugo = new Centrifugo.Builder(centrifugoAddress)
                        .setUser(new User(userId, userToken))
                        .setToken(new Token(token, tokenTimestamp))
Subscribe to channel:
String channel = "my-channel";
centrifugo.subscribe(new SubscriptionRequest(channel));
Listen to events:
Connection events
centrifugo.setConnectionListener(new ConnectionListener() {

        public void onWebSocketOpen() {

        public void onConnected() {

        public void onDisconnected(final int code, final String reason, final boolean remote) {

Subscription events
centrifugo.setSubscriptionListener(new SubscriptionListener() {

        public void onSubscribed(final String channelName) {

        public void onUnsubscribed(final String channelName) {

        public void onSubscriptionError(final String channelName, final String error) {

Messages, published into channel
centrifugo.setDataMessageListener(new DataMessageListener() {

        public void onNewDataMessage(final DataMessage message) {

Join and leave events
centrifugo.setJoinLeaveListener(new JoinLeaveListener() {

        public void onJoin(final JoinMessage joinMessage) {
            message(joinMessage.getUser(), " just joined " + joinMessage.getChannel());

        public void onLeave(final LeftMessage leftMessage) {
            message(leftMessage.getUser(), " just left " + leftMessage.getChannel());

Request information

You can request history of the channel




compile 'com.github.centrifugal:centrifuge-android:0.36'

to dependencies in your build.gradle

so your build.gradle looks something like this:

apply plugin: 'com.android.application'

repositories {
    maven { url "https://oss.sonatype.org/content/repositories/releases/" }


dependencies {
    compile fileTree(include: ['*.jar'], dir: 'libs')
    testCompile 'junit:junit:4.12'
    compile 'com.github.centrifugal:centrifuge-android:0.36'

Have a look at example application