vue-svg-icon copied to clipboard
a solution for multicolor svg icons in vue2.0 (vue2.0的可变彩色svg图标方案)
a solution for multicolor svg icons in vue2 轻量的Vue2多色动态svg图标方案 中文版说明
- no need to inject SVG in main.js anymore
- support path, circle, ellipse, rect, line, polyline, polygon tag of SVG
- support grouped tags in SVG
- real-time svg editing in illustrator or sketch
- dynamically set the color of ONE PART of the svg through css 'color' property
- an awesome SVG icon site iconfont
1. install
npm install vue-svg-icon --save-dev
2. put your svg into src/svg/
- this dir are not supported to be configured now
- src folder should be in the same folder with node_modules
3. import vue-svg-icon in your main.js
import Icon from 'vue-svg-icon/Icon.vue';
Vue.component('icon', Icon);
4. use the svg icon in your vue!
<icon name="chameleon" :scale="20"></icon>
Edit svg pictures in illustrator
- ~~Notice all the rect or line should be converted to path.~~(not anymore since v1.1.0)
- When saving the SVG, please choose 'Save As' and set CSS Properties as 'Presentation Attributes' in advanced settings.
- Pls set the color of the part that can be changed through css as #000000 in illustrator,if you want to use black in SVG but don't want it to be altered by css, pls set it as #000001
- the color of stroke can be controlled through stroke property of icon if set as #000000 (since v1.1.0).
- recommended size of SVG is 200*200
Trouble Shooting
- cannot find corresponding .svg file in vue-svg-icon/svg when you inject it in main.js, please keep the name in main.js and the filename exactly same.
[Vue warn]: Invalid prop: custom validator check failed for prop "name".
- cannot find the "svg" fold in src folder
This dependency was not found:
* !xml-loader!../../src/svg in ./~/.6.4.1@babel-loader/lib!./~/.11.1.4@vue-loader/lib/selector.js?type=script&index=0!./~/.1.2.8@vue-svg-icon/Icon.vue
To install it, you can run: npm install --save !xml-loader!../../src/svg
- pls check the .babelrc file of root folder
Module build failed: ReferenceError: Unknown plugin "transform-runtime"
specified in "/Users/test/Desktop/Dev/github/.babelrc" at 0, attempted to resolve relative to
示例: 特点:
- 不再需要通过inject注册SVG
- 支持SVG文件中path, circle, ellipse, rect, line, polyline, polygon 标签
- 支持SVG文件中存在编组的标签
- 可即时在illustrator中编辑svg图片
- 可通过css的color属性动态地调整svg中某一部分的颜色
1. 安装
npm install vue-svg-icon --save-dev
2. 将svg图片放入src/svg/
- src/svg路径暂时不可配置
- src文件夹应和node_modules在同一个文件夹下
3. 在项目的main.js入口引入vue-svg-icon
import Icon from 'vue-svg-icon/Icon.vue';
Vue.component('icon', Icon);
4. 在网页中使用icon标签就可以啦!
<icon name="chameleon" scale="20"></icon>
- ~~注意illustrator中所有的矩形线段等等需转成复合路径再保存。~~(v1.1.0后不再需要)
- 第一次编辑完保存时,请选择"另存为",在"高级选项"中将"css属性"设置成演示文稿属性
- 需要通过css动态设置颜色等部分请将填充色设为纯黑(#000000),如果想设置黑色但不受SVG的color影响请将填充色设为(#000001)
- 描边的颜色同样可在illustrator或sketch中设为纯黑(#000000),然后通过icon的CSS中stroke属性来动态控制 (自v1.1.0起)。
- 推荐SVG尺寸为200*200
For detailed explanation on how things work, checkout the guide and docs for vue-loader.