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Messaging library for Python.

Results 197 kombu issues
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Caveat - I initially tracked down and patched this problem over a year ago, but never opened an Issue on it. Looking at the Kombu 3 code it appears to...

Component: Redis Broker
Issue Type: Bug Report

Current versions of Redis support automatic expires of keys. Can [message_ttl](https://docs.celeryproject.org/projects/kombu/en/stable/reference/kombu.html#kombu.Queue.message_ttl) support be extended to REDIS instances as well?

Issue Type: Feature Request
Component: Redis Broker

:eyes: Some source code analysis tools can help to find opportunities for improving software components. :thought_balloon: I propose to [increase the usage of augmented assignment statements](https://docs.python.org/3/reference/simple_stmts.html#augmented-assignment-statements "Augmented assignment statements") accordingly....

Issue Type: Enhancement

I will clean up the codes after rebase and split some clean codes as mergeable small PR.

if `__yaml__` method is implemented, then use it to instruct the yaml Encoder on how to perform arbitrary custom instances. Related to https://github.com/celery/celery/issues/6901

add gossip not supported exception

Component: Amazon SQS Broker
PR Type: Enhancement

This is continuation of #1132. The pending point of this PR are failing integration tests.

Component: Redis Broker
Category: Tests

In case running Celery with `sqla+postgresql+psycopg2` broker with prefork model I facing with problem - all broker connection is died. In logs we found error - `This session in "prepared"...

SQLAlchemy broker

It's my understanding that librabbitmq is meant to be a drop-in replacement for py-amqp, that kombu will use if present and will otherwise fall back to the latter. Using Python...

Component: Simple API
Component: librabbitmq

Hi, If login_method is specified, the qpid authentication fails. This is, because of code in kombu/transport/qpid.py, where the only handled situation is when "login_method" is not specified. If it is...

Component: Qpid Broker