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unable to use ready() or get() to get task results from group using django-celery
Django celery 3.1.16.
I have the workers started with -E, I have celerycam running. Results of async tasks are recorded to the database. Now I am trying to access the results of the celery group() tasks synchronously by using
group = group(celery_task.s(id) for id in big_list)() if group.ready(): do stuff
calling group.ready() always returns False, and calling group.get() hangs forever. If I stop the thread, and use the groups task_id the next time round, it all works. Results are there. So how to access the results synchronously??
I have similar issue. Even restarting the worker does not help. .get() hangs. I'm using Celery 3.1.20. I:n the console, I see that the tasks have actually finished running. But .get() does not fetch the results.
Update. It turns out the backend was pointing to a Memcached server and memcached was not running on that server. After turning on memcached, it started working.
are you trying master branch?