django-celery-beat copied to clipboard
Celery is not picking up the scheduled tasks under 5 min of interval.
- Celery Version: celery==4.4.6
- Celery-Beat Version: django-celery-beat==2.0.0
Exact steps to reproduce the issue:
- Create a crontab scheduled to be executed within the next 5 min.
- Observed that task is not getting executed.
Command to start celery-beat: celery -A project beat -l debug -S django
Configuration -> . broker -> redis://localhost:6379/1 . loader -> . scheduler -> django_celery_beat.schedulers.DatabaseScheduler . logfile -> [stderr]@%DEBUG . maxinterval -> 5.00 seconds (5s)
did you set start_time field?
I have encountered the same issue , until i clean up the start_time, the beat start sending tasks.
This behavior should be relate to timezone settings
@GuiHva No
Possibly related? #413