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Celery Enhancement Proposals
Re-write kombu v6 to be Python 3.10+ async friendly way / or add partial async support beside sync
- [x] Create sphinx configuration. - [x] Enable readthedocs. - [ ] Create a subdomain. - [ ] Ensure HTTPS works properly. - [ ] Add a link to Celery's...
Points for Discussion - [ ] Celery Router - [ ] Celery Controller - [ ] Celery Worker See (in progress) [Draw.io diagram](https://github.com/celery/ceps/blob/master/draft/celery-5-architecture).
At the time of writing (2021-05-09), very WIP initial draft. I only filled out an abstract which I think is probably too long, but I wanted to get my thoughts...
https://github.com/celery/ceps/pull/29 describes the first draft of Celery Kubernetes operator. This issue describes some of the open points for the implementation that need exploration. - [ ] Add detailed documentation for...
We need to write a design CEP for Jumpstarter.
This CEP details our roadmap for the next three major versions. We will update it occasionally whenever we intend to release a new majpr version or if we decided to...
This proposal is about having a Kubernetes operator (see [here](https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/extend-kubernetes/operator/) and [here](https://coreos.com/operators/)). The scope of the operator would be the following: * Defining a [CRD](https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/extend-kubernetes/api-extension/custom-resources/) for a `CeleryApplication`. This resource...