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CelerPay contracts on Ethereum

CelerPay state channel contracts

Build Status

  • Overview
  • Core Concepts
  • Release Features
  • Protocol Buffers
  • Solidity Version
  • Code Structure
  • Test Locally


CelerPay is a generalized payment network that supports efficient off-chain token transfer with the capbability to resolve arbitrary conditional dependency on on-chain verifiable states. This repo implements the CelerPay contracts on Ethereum. It includes a collection of smart contracts acting as the binding of core CelerPay abstractions and supporting modules. CeleryPay smart contracts only specify the interaction logic of two peers. A network of payment channels can be built using these single-hop primitives and protocols.

To learn more about Celer state channel network, please refer to the CelerCore technical documentation. More specifically, this page gives a detailed description of our smart contract design, structure, and API flows.

Core Concepts

  • Peers: channel participants (only supports two-peer channel for now).
  • Simplex Channel: a single-direction payment channel from one peer to the other peer.
  • Duplex Channel: a bidirectional payment channel between peers including two independent simplex channels.
  • Simplex State: a piece of data describing the state of a simplex channel.
  • Signed Simplex State: Simplex State signed by channel participants, which serves as a bridge data structure between on-chain contracts and off-chain communication protocols.
  • Condition: data structure representing the basic unit of conditional dependency.
  • Transfer Function: a higher-level abstraction of generalized state dependencies on a group of conditions.
  • Conditional Payment: data structure representing a physical payment from payment source to payment destination.
  • Payment Source: the address sends out a payment, namely the source of this payment route.
  • Payment Destination: the address receives a payment, namely the destination of this payment route.
  • Vouched Conditional Payment Result: the result of a conditional payment agreed by the payment source and payment destination.
  • PayRegistry: a global registry which updates and records all payment results.
  • PayIdList: data structure including a list of payment ids and a hash pointer to next PayIdList, which is used in Batch Multi-Payment Clearing.
  • EthPool: A ETH wrapper to provide ERC20-like APIs for ETH.
  • Virtual Address Resolver: establishes the mapping from off-chain address to on-chain address.

Release Features

  • Single-contract Multiple-token Support: supports multiple Ethereum token standards in different channels under one single contract.
  • ETH Support: users can specify ETH to open an ETH-based channel.
  • ERC20 Token Support: users can specify an ERC20 token to open an ERC20-based channel.
  • Generalized State Channel: resolves conditional state dependency by relying on dependent virtual channels.
  • Fully Duplex Channel: supports two independent simplex (single-direction) channels in a duplex channel, which makes off-chain communications much simpler and more efficient.
  • Boolean Condition Interface: defines the condition that returns boolean value.
  • Boolean AND Resolution Logic: resolves a group of conditions based on boolean AND logic.
  • Boolean OR Resolution Logic: resolves a group of conditions based on boolean OR logic.
  • Numeric Condition Interface: defines the condition that returns numeric value.
  • Numeric ADD Resolution Logic: resolves a group of conditions based on numeric ADD logic.
  • Numeric MAX Resolution Logic: resolves a group of conditions based on numeric MAX logic.
  • Numeric MIN Resolution Logic: resolves a group of conditions based on numeric MIN logic.
  • ERC20-like ETH wrapper: provides similar APIs of ERC20 tokens for ETH to enable more efficient onchain operations.
  • Single-transaction Channel Opening: opens channel with a single on-chain transaction through funds approval for both ETH and ERC20 tokens.
  • Dynamic Withdraw: withdraws fund before channel finalized as long as no peers disagree during challenge period.
  • Cooperative Dynamic Withdraw: skips challenge period and withdraws fund before channel finalized when both peers reach an agreement.
  • Lightweight cooperative on-chain checkpoint: support snapshotting transfer map of co-signed states on-chain.
  • Batch Multi-Channel Settlements: intends to settle multiple channels in one batch with a single on-chain transaction.
  • Batch Multi-Payment Clearing: clears N payments in one batch with a single on-chain transaction using PayIdList, which only requires O(1) on-chain storage and O(n/N) on-chain verifications to clear n payments.
  • Cooperative Settle: skips challenge period and settles a channel when both peers reach an agreement.

Protocol Buffers

Protocol Buffers (protobuf) are "a language-neutral, platform-neutral extensible mechanism for serializing structured data" developed by Google. We leverage Protocol Buffers to define a series of blockchain-neutral generalized data structures, which can be seamlessly used in off-chain communication protocols and instantly extended to other blockchains that we will support.

We have also developed and open sourced a Solidity library generator of proto3 decoders called pb3-gen-sol, which is listed in protobuf's official Third-Party Add-ons for Protocol Buffers.

Two proto3 files are used in cChannel-eth, chain.proto and entity.proto, which are stored in lib/data/proto/. chain.proto defines data structures only used in on-chain contracts, while entity.proto defines data structures used both in on-chain contracts and off-chain communication protocols.

Solidity Version

Solidity ^0.5.1 or above is required to run cChannel-eth contracts.

Code Structure

The following is the main code structure of cChannel-eth:

contracts folder

  • helper: assistant contracts during development.
  • lib: libraries for main contracts.
    • data: protobuf library for Solidity and original proto3 files.
    • Some interface contracts.
  • truffle: truffle related contracts.
  • CelerLedger.sol: contract of CelerLedger.
  • CelerWallet.sol: contract of CelerWallet.
  • EthPool.sol: an ETH wrapper and deposit pool providing ERC20-like APIs for ETH, which is used in the process of Single-transaction Channel Opening.
  • PayRegistry.sol: contract of pay registry.
  • VirtContractResolver.sol: contract of virtual contract resolver.

test folder

  • channel: unit test files for cChannel.
  • gas_measurement: fine-granularity gas measurements for contract deployments and function calls.
  • helper: assistant modules in unit tests including some modules for generating protobuf objects used in test cases.
  • EthPoolTest.js: unit tests for EthPool.
  • PayRegistryTest.js: unit tests for PayRegistry.
  • VirtContractResolverTest.js: unit tests for Virtual Contract Resolver.

Test Locally

  1. Install node v10:
  2. Go to cChannel-eth's root directory.
  3. Install the node dependencies in the local node_modules folder.
npm install
  1. Install truffle and ganache-cli (sudo permission might be needed).
npm install -g truffle ganache-cli
  1. Run ganache-cli
ganache-cli -l 8000000
  1. Use truffle to run tests of cChannel-eth contracts.
truffle test