demoon icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
demoon copied to clipboard

Lua + Node = demoon


You love Lua but the runtime API is very weak and you don't want to handle and learn a lot of different luarock libraries? You came at the right place! This project aims to offer the bests of Lua and NodeJS together.

Don't use this in production!


You don't need lua installed to run demoon, but you need node and npm as well, firstly, install demoon globally:

$: npm i -g demoon

Then run it passing your entry lua file:

$: demoon app.lua


This is a little sample code to demonstrate how demoon is powerful and bridges well with nodeJS:

-- you can require node modules (package.json/node_modules works as well)
local http = require('http')

-- you can require js modules and lua files
-- require('./myjsmodule.js')
-- require('./myluamodule.lua')

local port = os.getenv('PORT') or 8080

function sleep(ms)
    -- you can use and create promises
    return Promise.create(function(resolve)
        setTimeout(resolve, ms)

-- top level await works!

http.createServer(async(function (req, res)
    -- you can await inside async bounded functions

    res:write('Hello World!')

print('Your server is running on port ' .. port .. '!')