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We analyzed thousands of coding interviews. Here’s what we learned.
All of the above
Data Structures & Algorithms
Brian Holt: Five Semesters of CS in 4 hours
Problem Solving with Algorithms and Data Structures
System Design
David J Malan schooling you on scaling
Grokking the System Design Interview - Paid
A Study Plan To Cure JavaScript Fatigue
A re-introduction to JavaScript (JS tutorial)*
Frontend Challenges/Resources
Front End Job Interview Questions
Cracking the front-end interview
For practice, build these within 40mins, and build them minimally and well. Doing these with variations, or repeatedly will help you get better over time.
Drop down menu
Color palette switcher (extend question with throttle)
Infinite scroll
News feed with preview text functionality(paragraphs that get shortened with [...], and expand/collapse when clicked).
Medium-style 'quote' sharer. (Highlighting brings up a little menu and you can share highlighted text to twitter/social media of choice.)
Given a JSON endpoint that gives you items, make a dropdown menu bar.
Given a div with an id make a hamburger menu using only CSS
Center a div vertically/horizontally
See if you can do these without a framework like React/Angular/etc unless they ask. Setup wastes unnecessary time and you can usually accomplish it with vanilla JS or jQuery.
EDIT: Extra challenge - once built, refactor so that it can be made into a faux-library to be used by other engineers
Reimplementing Parts of jQuery...for funsies!
Tic Tac Toe
Percentage-based star rating-sprite example
Creating a CSS-only Responsive Masonry
Displaying data fetched from an API
Interview Questions and Exercises About CSS
The SQL Tutorial for Data Analysis
A Field Guide to Modern Data Stores
Deep Dive
How does database indexing work?)
How to understand an EXPLAIN ANALYZE
Using EXPLAIN to Write Better MySQL Queries
What every developer should know about SQL performance
Interview the interviewer
Similar Github Repos
Everything you need to kick ass on your coding interview
job sites
Stack Overflow