non-blocking-rtttl-arduino copied to clipboard
Non-blocking Arduino library to play RTTTL melodies
Your pop_byte routine reads as follows: ``` char pop_byte(){ get_byte(nextPos++); /* char read = get_byte(nextPos++); //Serial.print("Popped: '"); //Serial.write(read); //Serial.println("'"); return read; */ } ``` There is no return here. Normally...
Hi there. This is a great library however the memory usage for the non-blocking is (by the very necessity of it being non-blocking) higher than the blocking variant. Sometimes I...
Currently, if the tune is not completed (e.g. it's an alarm) it's inconvenient to stop it and this should be combined into a rewind method. ``` player.silence(); player.initSong(); ```
The tone library has a serial dependency - a hangover from debugging previously.
John Cooper is reporting that he had to change the line... const prog_uint16_t notes[] PROGMEM = const uint16_t notes[] PROGMEM = ...and this seems to be linked to version...