Casey Schneider-Mizell
Casey Schneider-Mizell
As part of the development of graphene integration in Neuroglancer, the auth protocol is provided to neuroglancer as an additional scheme: `graphene://middleauth+https://` instead of just `graphene://https://`. Currently, however that gives...
I'm working on some tutorials right now that involve fresh installs of various CAVE packages that depend on cloud-volume. After doing a standard `pip install cloud-volume` in a python 3.10...
Cloud-volume currently (technically correctly) casts root ids as uint64, but numpy causes all sorts of issues when operating on a mixture of uint64 and much more common int64 values, producing...
When doing a supervoxel lookup from a point outside of the volume bounds of a graphene segmentation, we are getting the an error using `cv.download_point(pt, size=1)`. In this case, the...
```python datastack = 'minnie65_public' client = CAVEclient(datastack) client.materialize.query_table( 'nucleus_detection_v0', random_sample=10 ) ``` Returns an empty dataframe with the correct columns. Either `limit` or omitting `random_sample` entirely work fine.
Add datastack check to not record datastack-to-server mapping if datastack is None.
Live query results are coming back with `deleted` and `superceded_id` columns, which explicitly are always NaT/NaN because otherwise they wouldn't be in the data returned. `query_table` does not return these...
JSON encoding errors can occur with certain combinations of types. In particular, a list of numpy.int32s throws an error when used as a pt_position.
The current implementation of data frame metadata using the `df.attrs` semi-functionality in pandas is useful, but it has a bug/decision that produces an exception when doing dataframe concatenations because some...
1) Fixes the constraints to the correct pcg versions with the new releases. 2) Fixes the behavior to replace a response of `0` with `None` in the case where a...