second_ros icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
second_ros copied to clipboard

Run SECOND Detector as a ROS Node with KITTI Dataset

Run SECOND as a ROS Node

This project is still work in progress. Feel free to make pull requests and improve the performance together.

It is mostly based on SECOND detector and Voxelnet ROS Implementation. Special thanks to @traveller59, @tigerk0430 and @qianguih!


Make sure to modify the paths in the scripts based on your setting accordingly.

Step 1: build package

mkdir catkin_ws && cd catkin_ws
git clone
catkin_make && source devel/setup.bash

Step 2: create environment for SECOND

Follow installation and dataset preparation instruction at Miniconda is used to configure the dependencies. Notice that if you have rospy installed in Python 3, you can still use rosrun to launch SECOND as a ROS node.

conda env create -n py36 -f environment.yml
conda activate py36
pip install --user rospkg catkin_pkg

Step 3: launch SECOND as a ROS node

Play a bag from KITTI and see the result!

roslaunch second_ros second_kitt.launch


Check out the SECOND in Rviz at link. The ROS bag is from KITTI raw dataset 2011_09_26_drive_0005.