osgexport copied to clipboard
can't install on blender 2.70a
Some change in the API, I think, this line seems to be incorrect with the latest one
if bpy.app.build_revision >= b'50938' else "FILENAME"
Could you make a pull request please ?
Sorry, i'm completely new on github, what is a pull request ?
you can information here https://help.github.com/articles/using-pull-requests it's like sending a patch
The line can be changed to: FILE_NAME = "FILE_NAME" if bpy.app.version[0] >= 2 and bpy.app.version[1] >= 63 else "FILENAME"
For whatever reason the bpy.app.build_revision is no longer present in the Python API but I can't find when it disappeared as looking through the ChangeLog on www.blender.org show nothing.
If you have an update, could you provide a new pull request ?
I've made a change yesterday but I may have not understood how it works ...