magento2-ansible-vagrant copied to clipboard
:m::two: Ansible provisioned Ubuntu 16.04 vagrant box for Magento2 development.
Ansible provisioned Ubuntu 16.04 vagrant box for Magento2 development.
Definitely not full-featured but useful to bootstrap a dev project.
- Vagrant
- VirtualBox
This box uses Ansible Local Provisioner. As a result, Ansible do not need to be installed on the host.
Base box
- Dev tools: git, vim, curl, htop
- PHP (7.0 + Composer + Xdebug)
- Nginx
- Redis (for session, full page cache and frontend cache)
- MariaDB 10.0 (dedicated user and database)
- Magento2 (automated project creation if directory is empty, installation and configuration)
Get started
1. Clone this repository
git clone
2. Configure
Create a dev.yml conf file in ansible/group_vars:
cd magento2-ansible-vagrant
cp ansible/group_vars/dev.yml.sample ansible/group_vars/dev.yml
And configure your environment:
magento_account_public_key: YOUR_PUBLIC_KEY_HERE
magento_account_private_key: YOUR_PRIVATE_KEY_HERE
mysql_user: magento2
mysql_password: magento2
mysql_dbname: magento2
magento2_language: en_US
magento2_currency: USD
magento2_admin_user: admin
magento2_admin_password: admin2015
magento2_admin_email: [email protected]
magento2_admin_firstname: John
magento2_admin_lastname: Doe
magento2_crypt_key: YOUR_CRYPT_KEY
3. Define a syncing strategy (optional)
See syncing section. You can skip this step if you just want to try Magento2 and don't need to edit files.
4. Up!
vagrant up
5. It's ready!
Default base URL is:
By default, Magento2 files live in the box.
It's up to you to configure your preferred sync solution. Here are some ideas:
NFS (host => guest)
You can find a commented out statement in Vagrantfile.
config.vm.synced_folder "../magento2", "/home/vagrant/repos/magento2",
type: 'nfs', mount_options: ['rw', 'async', 'fsc' ,'actimeo=2']
NFS (guest => host)
Don't sync anything
You could also use your text editor/IDE in the VM. You may want to install a GUI or play with X11 forwarding to do so.
FAQ / Common issues
It looks like the playbook freezes at the task magento2 : Create project
It's probably not frozen. Downloading dependencies can take time and it depends on multiple factors such as internet connection speed and syncing strategy.
502 Bad Gateway when accessing the store after initial setup
It may happen if a step failed during the installation and fpm service did not start properly. As a result, nginx cannot communicate with fpm service.
Restarting the VM or php-fpm (sudo service php7.0-fpm restart
) may help.