connectiq-app-rawlogger copied to clipboard
RawLogger (Garmin ConnectIQ) App [GPLv3]
RawLogger (Garmin ConnectIQ) App
ConnectIQ raw data logger (for development/troubleshooting purposes)
RawLogger is as simple as it gets:
enable the data fields you want to see in the application and record to the Activity FIT-file (use the application Settings)
record the Activity (SELECT button to start/stop)
recover and analyze the corresponding FIT-file directly from the device or via Garmin Connect
No processing of the displayed/recorded data takes place what-so-ever.
ConnectIQ System (Stats), Position, Sensor and/or Activity (Info) data are
directly stored in the Activity/FIT-file for later analysis.
Build, Installation and Usage
Please refer to the INSTALL and USAGE files.