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The management center for Eclipse Mosquitto

Management Center

The management center for Eclipse Mosquitto. See the official documentation for additional details.

Run in development mode

Either go to official documentation page and follow steps there or clone this repository and then:

  • Install Docker and docker-compose

  • Install yarn package manager

  • Run the Mosquitto broker:

    • Create mosquitto directory

    • Go inside this directory, create config and data directories

    • Go inside config directory and create config file mosquitto.conf

    • You can find an example of such file here. Be sure to uncomment or add the following lines to this file:

          listener 1883
          allow_anonymous true
    • Inside the mosquitto directory create a docker-compose.yaml file with the following content:

      version: '3.8'
              image: eclipse-mosquitto:2
                  - 8883:8883
                  - ./mosquitto/config:/mosquitto/config
                  - ./mosquitto/data:/mosquitto/data
                  - mosquitto
              name: mosquitto
              driver: bridge
    • Inside mosquitto directory run the following command to start the broker:

          docker-compose up
  • Now, when Mosquitto broker is installed, go to the root directory of the Management Center and run:

        yarn install
  • Go to the /frontend folder and run:

        yarn run build-without-base-path
  • Set the following environmental variables (Note that export command works for Unix. For Windows use set):

        export CEDALO_MC_BROKER_ID="mosquitto" \
        export CEDALO_MC_BROKER_NAME="Mosquitto" \
        export CEDALO_MC_BROKER_URL="mqtt://localhost:1883" \
        export CEDALO_MC_BROKER_USERNAME="" \
        export CEDALO_MC_BROKER_PASSWORD="" \
        export CEDALO_MC_USERNAME="cedalo" \
        export CEDALO_MC_PASSWORD="tests" \
        export CEDALO_MC_PROXY_HOST="localhost" \
  • Go to the backend directory and run:

        yarn start
  • Go to http://localhost:8088 to start working with the Management Center for Eclipse Mosquitto