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Library for RadiaCode-101

Results 12 radiacode issues
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This PR adds a script that forwards all data packets to MQTT broker. - [x] Publish data packets - [ ] Publish Home Assistant discovery messages

It seems if the dose rate alarms are configured then the device sends additional data that the webserver example is not designed to handle? I get a couple of different...

Radiacode подключен по USB к android. При попытке запуска ``` python3 -m radiacode-examples.basic ``` в приложении termux, выдается ошибка: ``` ✘ u0_a268@localhost  ~  python3 -m radiacode-examples.basic will use...

Howdy do, I'm trying to run the code here, and this is the output. python3 -m radiacode-examples.basic will use USB connection Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/lib/python3.8/runpy.py", line 194,...

As the data comes in the real time data is decoded with a python struct. real_time_flags is part of that data. I can trigger the real_time_flags to change value by...

Hi, thanks for providing this code. I was wondering if you reverse engineered the protocol using a BLE sniffer or alike (like nRF tools) and implemented it in Python, or...

```bash $ python3 -m radiacode-examples.basic usb.core.USBError: [Errno 13] Access denied (insufficient permissions) ``` ```bash $ lsusb Bus 002 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0003 Linux Foundation 3.0 root hub Bus 001 Device...

## Describe the bug When running any of the examples with a Radiacode 102, the program execution stops after a while ## To reproduce Start any of the included examples,...

The classes returned by the `data_buf()` method (`CountRate, DoseRate, DoseRateDB, RareData`) contain measurements (like `dose`, `count_rate` or `dose_rate`). What are the units of these fields?

There isn't much documentation regarding the examples on how to connect via USB how do I go about doing it ? The documentation shows use for Bluetooth passing a MAC...