These are requests for a future major release, I guess. The following is a representation of the current shape of the extracted CSS data related to properties/at-rules/descriptors: ``` properties: {...
Some descriptors are defined with an `initial` field value that is not a valid CSS value. If I am not mistaken, for each of them, the value should be internally...
I'm surprised I cannot find a related issue or thread in the archive because `transition` exists since quite a long time, so I hope I have not missed any, or...
> Declarations occuring after a nested rule are invalid and ignored. Does this mean that a declaration occuring after an invalid nested rule is valid? For example: ```css ul...
This PR applies to MediaQueries 5. This commit was made 3 years ago, after [initiating]( from MediaQueries 4. Also, the railroad diagram of the updated syntax was not updated...
In [6.9.1. Basic syntax]( (of `@font-feature-values`): > Each declaration’s value must match the grammar `+`, or else the declaration is invalid and must be ignored. Then [6.9.2. Multi-valued feature value...
[`CSSFontFaceDescriptors`]( seems to be missing `font-weight` (not `fontWeight`) and [`font-stretch`/`fontStretch`]( (legacy). CSS Fonts 5 may also missing a partial interface definition with [`font-size`/`fontSize`](, [`size-adjust`/`sizeAdjust`](, and `*-override`/`*Override`. A simpler alternative is...
Only "standalone" descriptors and "property-like" `margin-*` descriptors are defined as [`CSSPageDescriptors`]( attributes. [~~`page-orientation`~~]( (fixed by #10521) and other [page properties]( are missing. Is there any reason for this? --- [if...
It is currently defined as a `CSSStyleDeclaration`, which seems to cause [problems]( Now that `CSS*Properties` and `CSS*Descriptors` interfaces inheriting `CSSStyleDeclaration` have landed in CSSOM and other specs, maybe valid properties...
It is all in the title. Related: #10105