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C++ MapReduce Library for efficient multi-threading on single-machine
MapReduce C++ Library
The MapReduce C++ Library implements a single-machine platform for programming using the the Google MapReduce idiom. Users specify a map function that processes a key/value pair to generate a set of intermediate key/value pairs, and a reduce function that merges all intermediate values associated with the same intermediate key. Many real world tasks are expressible in this model, as shown in the Google paper.
map (k1,v1) --> list(k2,v2)
reduce (k2,list(v2)) --> list(v2)
namespace mapreduce {
template<typename MapTask,
typename ReduceTask,
typename Datasource=datasource::directory_iterator<MapTask>,
typename Combiner=null_combiner,
typename IntermediateStore=intermediates::local_disk<MapTask> >
class job;
} // namespace mapreduce
The developer is required to write two classes; MapTask
implements a mapping function to process key/value pairs generate a set of intermediate key/value pairs and ReduceTask
that implements a reduce function to merges all intermediate values associated with the same intermediate key.
In addition, there are three optional template parameters that can be used to modify the default implementation behavior; Datasource
that implements a mechanism to feed data to the Map Tasks - on request of the MapReduce
library, Combiner that can be used to partially consolidate results of the Map Task before they are passed to the Reduce Tasks, and IntermediateStore
that handles storage, merging and sorting of intermediate results between the Map and Reduce phases.
The MapTask
class must define four data types; the key/value types for the inputs to the Map Tasks and the intermediate types.
class map_task
typedef std::string key_type;
typedef std::ifstream value_type;
typedef std::string intermediate_key_type;
typedef unsigned intermediate_value_type;
map_task(job::map_task_runner &runner);
void operator()(key_type const &key, value_type const &value);
The ReduceTask
must define the key/value types for the results of the Reduce phase.
class reduce_task
typedef std::string key_type;
typedef size_t value_type;
reduce_task(job::reduce_task_runner &runner);
template<typename It>
void operator()(typename map_task::intermediate_key_type const &key, It it, It ite)
The library is designed to be extensible and configurable through a Policy-based mechanism. Default implementations are provided to enable the library user to run MapReduce simply by implementing the core Map and Reduce tasks, but can be replaced to provide specific features.
Policy | Application | Supplied Implementation(s) |
Datasource |
mapreduce::job template parameter |
datasource::directory_iterator<MapTask> |
Combiner |
mapreduce::job template parameter |
null_combiner |
IntermediateStore |
mapreduce::job template parameter |
local_disk<MapTask, SortFn, MergeFn> |
SortFn |
local_disk template parameter |
external_file_sort |
MergeFn |
local_disk template parameter |
external_file_merge |
SchedulePolicy |
mapreduce::job::run() template parameter |
cpu_parallel , sequential |
This policy implements a data provider for Map Tasks. The default implementation iterates a given directory and feeds each Map Task with a Filename
and std::ifstream
to the open file as a key/value pair.
A Combiner is an optimization technique, originally designed to reduce network traffic by applying a local reduction of intermediate key/value pairs in the Map phase before being passed to the Reduce phase. The combiner is optional, and can actually degrade performance on a single machine implementation due to the additional file sorting that is required. The default is therefore a null_combiner which does nothing. IntermediateStore
The policy class implements the behavior for storing, sorting and merging intermediate results between the Map and Reduce phases. The default implementation uses temporary files on the local file system. SortFn
Used to sort external intermediate files. Current default implementation uses a system()
call to shell out to the operating system SORT process. A Merge Sort implementation is currently in development.
Used to merge external intermediate files. Current default implementation uses a system() call to shell out to the operating system COPY
process (Win32 only). A platform independent in-process implementation is required.
This policy is the core of the scheduling algorithm and runs the Map and Reduce Tasks. Two schedule policies are supplied, cpu_parallel
uses the maximum available CPU cores to run as many map simultaneous tasks as possible (within a limit given in the mapreduce::specification
object). The sequential scheduler will run one map task followed by one reduce task, which is useful for debugging purposes.
See the MapReduce C++ Library page for more information, and a sample program.