M. Zhou

Results 27 issues of M. Zhou

Quoted from https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=918177 : ``` libcpuinfo library selects log level during compile time. 1. It would be better if one could specify log-level during cpuinfo_initialize(). 2. Anyway current compile-time setting...




``` 背景: zhsj在tg的debianzh频道里被某同学的输入法解释为直升机 lumin被西电开源社区的人念成卤面 lumin, [16.04.18 05:40] 票价向来是个随机过程 zhsj, [16.04.18 05:40] 我基本没坐过飞机 lumin, [16.04.18 05:40] /惊讶 lumin, [16.04.18 05:42] 我虽然被他们叫做卤面但我还真没吃过那玩意 ```


#### 项目名称与简介(Project Intro.) http://cdimage.debian.org/cdimage/unofficial/non-free/cd-including-firmware/ TUNA镜像了 10.X (buster) 的nonfree版本,但是buster本身内核太老,装新电脑的 时候用buster ISO比较难受,而且dist upgrade到testing或者sid也几乎像是重装一样。 所以我建议至少补充镜像一下 `weekly_builds` 目录(里边是 Debian testing的nonfree)。 如果条件允许,也希望补充 `daily_builds` 目录 (里边是Debian unstable的nonfree)。 不过鉴于testing->unstable的路程较短,最有价值添加的是 weekly #### 上游地址与镜像方法(How to Mirror) TUNA已经有了,但是文件不完整

Mirror Request

After releasing v1.5.0, please only modify files in the debian/ directory. Because I will use `uscan` to download v1.5.0 tarball. In this case, the modified `debian.sh` outside of debian/ directory...

The build fails on mips64el and hppa due to the decimal dump of the `testnestedflatbuffer` does not match with the hard coded expectation. See the build log as follows: https://buildd.debian.org/status/fetch.php?pkg=flatbuffers&arch=mips64el&ver=23.5.26%2Bdfsg-1%7Eexp0&stamp=1696723928&raw=0...


![image](https://github.com/githubnext/monaspace/assets/5723047/3c81b2ef-8577-4cf7-9023-475eee4dc33a) Mac OS terminal. Font variant is Argon Var Regular Light 12. I think this is triggered by the ligature feature, because a single slash does not trigger the character...

See https://buildd.debian.org/status/package.php?p=chafa sparc64 fails to pass 6/7 tests. ``` ============================================================================ Testsuite summary for chafa 1.14.0 ============================================================================ # TOTAL: 7 # PASS: 1 # SKIP: 0 # XFAIL: 0 # FAIL:...


- [x] I've checked [docs](https://rich.readthedocs.io/en/latest/introduction.html) and [closed issues](https://github.com/Textualize/rich/issues?q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aclosed) for possible solutions. - [x] I can't find my issue in the [FAQ](https://github.com/Textualize/rich/blob/master/FAQ.md). **Describe the bug** `python3 -c 'import rich; rich.get_console().print(open("man.1", "rt").read())'`...

Needs triage

When trying to build nqp for Debian arm64, it ends up with a segmentation fault during the "creating stage 2 nqp" stage: https://buildd.debian.org/status/fetch.php?pkg=nqp&arch=arm64&ver=2022.12%2Bdfsg-1%7Eexp1&stamp=1672199790&raw=0 Our build options for nqp can be...