Christian Dietrich
Christian Dietrich
update to GSON 2.9.1 / Orbit 2022-12
given the grammar ``` entry Model: (persons+=Person | greetings+=Greeting)*; Person: 'person' name=ID; Greeting: GreetingByName | GreetingByAlias; GreetingByName: 'hello' person=[Person:ID]; GreetingByAlias: 'hello' alias=ID (':' data=PersonRef ('{' '}')?); PersonRef: person=[Person:ID]; ``` content...
given the grammar ``` grammar HelloWorld entry Expression: HasValue; HasValue infers Expression: DotExpression({infer HasValue.left=current} 'has-value')*; DotExpression infers Expression: RefExpression ({infer DotExpression.base = current} '.' target=DotTarget)*; RefExpression: target=ID; DotTarget: {infer DotTargetRef}...
Create a new hello world grammar change the `hello-world.langium` to ``` grammar HelloWorld import './hello-metadata' interface FieldValidation { field: @Field; } entry Validation: 'validate' name=ID '{' content+=FieldValidation* '}' ; FieldValidation...
given the grammar ``` Person: 'person' name=ID; Greeting: 'Hello' ':' person=[Person:ID] '!'; ``` in the the sample model ``` person A Hello| ``` the `:` keyword is not proposed in...
Given the grammar ``` grammar Cabug2 entry Model: 'package' package=QualifiedName (content+=Thing)*; ActionParameter: (optional?='optional')? name=ID ':' type=Type; Type: name="Text"; CustomAction: (query?='query')? 'action' name=ID '(' (inputParameters+=ActionParameter (',' inputParameters+=ActionParameter)*)? ')' ':' outputValues=Type; ThingContent:...
Hi, it would be nice to have constants for rule names (similar to Xtexts MyDslGrammarAccess) so that their usage in code would be flagged as error on grammar refactorings