Chris Howie

Results 80 comments of Chris Howie

We have worked around this interally using the [async_stream]( crate, which can be used to trivially create anonymous `Stream` implementations using familiar generator syntax. This solves the issue by wrapping...

> But isn't the goal of headscale to solely provide a _single_ tailnet? Possibly, but this is not how headscale's implementation of Magic DNS behaves. In Tailscale, each user does...

@Hacksawfred3232 It sounds like you might fundamentally misunderstand the issue I'm raising. I'm not exactly sure that adding a new ACL rule type is the solution (it was the best...

> If you perform a login through OIDC (Open ID Connect) This entire paragraph is irrelevant to those of us not using OIDC. Is the takeaway supposed to be "users...

I likewise think continued discussion between us on this topic will not be productive. I'm not terribly fond of the combative tone you've taken from your very first comment and...

This is a duplicate of #86. I second the suggestion to use Asio Link Pro instead. It is working very well for me and, in fact, I have far fewer...

I think the biggest trick will be implementing this across all databases, because the generated SQL can have a different structure. For example, in MySQL we have ``` DELETE a...

Perhaps have this be optional. We use a key per backup host and it's nice to be able to quickly see which key belongs to which host. Without this data...

> there would be no user facing changes at all. That depends if the repository is automatically migrated to store the data encrypted. If so, the key IDs will necessarily...

We are hitting this issue. To work around it, we've applied the following changes to all of our systems via Puppet: Create a file `/usr/local/sbin/tailscale-wait-for-ip` with the following content and...