Christopher Horn
Christopher Horn
@Nick-Hall this should be ready now.
Need to look closer at the failing tests yet I guess.
> Is anything missing apart from fixing the tests? I don't think so, but being the one who wrote it not sure if I overlooked something. I got stuck trying...
> But my question is if there is a SEPARATE association for owner. Oh I am sorry I did not understand. No there is not. I think ideally you would...
@DavidMStraub Nick asked that I pull out the db and tree uuids so just confirming you were not looking to use them before I refactor this.
@Nick-Hall @DavidMStraub this has been refactored now. I pulled out the uuids as well as some other things to try to make it a little more focused. Please let me...
> Concerning my previous comment, do I understand correctly that it's not actually `tree_change` that is relevant but `db_last_transaction` and this is stored as float? Correct. The tree_change tracks when...
> To make the header dates and media paths be more parsable by humans, should the date format CCYY-MM-DD and OS be explicit? Unsure I follow this question. The media...
| I looked at the sample header posted. Notice it had an August 8th date. 2017-08-08 is the date in the current `example.gramps` not the example I posted when I...