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MTGO-Tracker is an analytics tool used to process raw data for Magic: the Gathering Online. Players can import and parse log files created during online play and store resulting information into a loc...
MTGO-Tracker is an analytics tool used to process raw data for Magic: the Gathering Online. Players can import and parse log files created during online play and store resulting information into a local database for self-analysis.
Five (5) tables are created:
- Matches
- Games
- Plays
- Drafts
- Draft Picks
These tables will help you track your results, evaluate your performance, and analyze your play patterns.
Getting Started
Import your data
File -> Import MTGO GameLogs
- Navigate to the folder containing your GameLog and/or DraftLog files:
- C:\Users\[User]\AppData\Local\Apps\2.0
- C:\Users\[User]\Documents
Set the default Hero to your MTGO username
Data -> Set Default Hero
This will make an individualized dataset more readable. The statistics window will also become accessible from the left-panel, allowing you to view general statistics regarding your personal performance.
Complete your dataset
Use the Data Cleaning methods described in the Wiki to fill in information for attributes that do not import automatically. Records can also be revised manually.
Continue importing data as you play more matches on MTGO!
View the Wiki for more information and usage instructions.