Chris Deline
Chris Deline
`def readNSRDB(NSRDBfile, decimate= False, decimatestyle = "Mean" , decimatevalue = 5 ): ` ` ''' decimatestyle = "Mean" or "Skip" ''' day_all = []; month_all = []; year_all = [];...
Hi Jenna, It looks like we have an issue #68 open for this at the moment. This will be rolled into a future release that also allows multiple scene files...
Now that we're on PVLib > 0.6.1 there are iotools functions to do this pretty easily.
Hi. Thanks for the comment, this will require some digging into.
This may be more of an issue when people start using custom weather files. I think we're good for the moment...
Could you please provide more detail about what is your scenario and what is the error? It seems that your materials are following the proper format as stated in the...
Sorry, this feature was mistakenly left out during the module object refactoring. I'll have to work to re-enable it in an upcoming patch. Stay tuned...
Hi Leonard. This has been fixed now and has been merged into the Main branch on github. If you're able to download from there, it should be working and you...
Hi Venkat, here are some responses. 1) The sensorsy variable selects the number of sensors to be deployed uniformly across the middle of your chosen module. 2) the bifacial ratio...
Yes. We'll return it for now, but maybe not in a future release?