Christoph Deil

Results 160 issues of Christoph Deil

Currently most of the tests just have print statements at the end: Those should be changed to have assert statements, or `numpy.testing.assert_allclose` for floating point numbers. Plotting tests should...


The documentation currently doesn't include Sphinx auto-generate API docs for all the classes / functions in `mcerp`. This should be added. Although #17 should be done first, i.e. the docs...


@tisimst - Actually, I noticed that I can't set up for `mcerp`, because it needs to set a git post-commit hook on Github, so that a new docs build...

All the ipython notebooks won't run out of the box because imports are missing. Could you please add those?

``` python mfx = affair_mod.margeff() print pandas.Series(mfx, index=affair_mod.params.index[1:]) ``` ``` --------------------------------------------------------------------------- TypeError Traceback (most recent call last) in () ----> 1 mfx = affair_mod.margeff() 2 print pandas.Series(mfx, index=affair_mod.params.index[1:]) /Users/deil/Library/Python/2.7/lib/python/site-packages/statsmodels-0.5.0-py2.7-macosx-10.7-x86_64.egg/statsmodels/discrete/discrete_model.pyc in...

First of all: thanks for making this great tutorial! It doesn't work with matplotlib HEAD though, because `matplotlib/sphinxext/` no longer exists. This worked for me: `cp ipython/docs/sphinxext/ sampledoc/sphinxext` After that...

When I use the query builder and add two queries and time series they are both shown as avg_Value in the legend and it's not clear which is which. Other...


We currently have a `livetime` column in a few of our LC files: ``` $ ack -l livetime input/data | grep ecsv input/data/2012/2012ApJ...746..151A/tev-000058-lc.ecsv input/data/2012/2012ApJ...746..141A/tev-000058-lc.ecsv input/data/2017/2017ApJ...836..205A/tev-000053-lc-3.ecsv input/data/2017/2017ApJ...836..205A/tev-000053-lc-2.ecsv input/data/2017/2017ApJ...836..205A/tev-000053-lc-1.ecsv input/data/2017/2017MNRAS.471.2117A/tev-000154-lc-1.ecsv input/data/2017/2017MNRAS.471.2117A/tev-000154-lc-2.ecsv input/data/2011/2011ApJ...729....2A/tev-000091-lc-2.ecsv...

data entry

This is a reminder for myself to do some schema changes and scripting to support non-detections in our schemas. There is a lot of discussion / information in #187 by...


We have to implement a way to control which SED goes in the catalog. Yesterday I made this change: As you can see in these updated examples, there were...
