I also tried to transform the scene back into the original coordinate system, and also had problems with the scale/rotation; the only way I was able to make it work...
already implemented, see InterfaceCOLMAP app
Not directly, but i think it can be adapted. However there are dedicated algorithms for such cameras with much better performance, like those from Disney research (forgot the name now)
same issue
if it is of any help, the latest develop is robust to invalid points in the input data
I can add a filter of the input to remove any points with invalid view, but fist pls check that this indeed the problem
Lack of duplicating the vertices is not the issue here (though that could help in general): our mesh should have the vertices already duplicated for the 90 degrees surfaces, at...
Indeed, the floor is triangulated differently from the walls, I checked again now, and the vertices are shared. It is strange though that even with this simple normal estimation if...
@adricostas the code is fine, all you need to do is to match the resolution of the depth-maps when you call `DenseReconstruction` by using the param: `--max-resolution 256`
I could have ideas if I know what is not working, an error message, assert, line, etc