Chenchong Charles Zhu
Chenchong Charles Zhu
Mercury DEM images can be found on the [USGS website]( I think the one we used was the [MESSENGER Global DEM](
@Prabhat-IIT DeepMoon assumes the DEM is a Plate Carree (i.e. simple cylindrical) projection. I'm not sure I understand what you mean by the generated masks being wrong. Are the generated...
Uh oh, the same thing happened today. ```sql SELECT datetime_bin, SUM(volume) total_vol FROM miovision_api.volumes WHERE datetime_bin BETWEEN '2020-12-15 18:30:00' AND '2020-12-15 19:15:00' GROUP BY datetime_bin ORDER BY 1 ``` shows...
According to Brett Rogerson (e-mail 2020-12-16) this is occurring because: > There was a common process that was running in the new Server search tool and for some reason it...
Encountered another one of these on 2021-05-05 - we see partial missing data (all light vehicles missing from some locations) starting from 2021-05-04 19:30, followed by a total lack of...
Thanks Jesse, updated description.
To begin, we restrict our analysis to years 2014-2019 inclusive. To obtain a set of events from the XML files, we extract the year and GO number from the XML...
Performing the same exercise as above, but using the union of `ACC` and `ACC_ARCHIVE` (where all collisions deemed inappropriate for `ACC` are loaded instead) on Oracle, we get this table:...
From Jesse: ``` Circling back to this, from Jim: Conditions where the collision is moved to archive are accloc=10 or stname2='parking lot' ```
Three caveats: - There are cases where the ACC number is repeated after 2013, though there are no instances between 2014-2019 in either `ACC` or `ACC_ARCHIVE` with two collisions in...