LocalSTT icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
LocalSTT copied to clipboard

Error loading recogniser

Open ftyers opened this issue 3 years ago • 15 comments

Quan intente obrir el LocalSTT en el meu mòbil m'ix el següent error: "Error loading recogniser". L'app té els permissos de grabar i aceder al sistema de fitxers.

La versió d'Android és 10 amb el nucli 4.9.206-perf+. No tinc els serveis de Google Play habilitats.

Si cal alguna informació més, avisa'm. Gràcies per un treball collonut!

ftyers avatar Apr 07 '21 03:04 ftyers

Hola! Podries mirar amb adb quin error exactament dona?

adb logcat 

L'has compilat tu mateix o has provat l'apk precompilat no signat?

ccoreilly avatar Apr 10 '21 06:04 ccoreilly

Hola, he utilitzat l'apk d'aquí. No tinc l'Android Studio al meu ordenador. Saps si és possible depurar només amb la versió precompilada i un telèfon no rutejat ?

ftyers avatar Apr 10 '21 15:04 ftyers

No cal que el telèfon estigui rootejat ni tenir tot l'Android Studio, només adb (aquí com instal·lar).

Un cop tinguis adb i el telèfon connectat a l'ordinador pots executar adb logcat per veure tots els logs de les aplicacions i serveis que s'estiguin executant. Si intentes carregar el recognizer un altre cop hauria d'aparèixer més informació sobre l'error. (Veuràs molts logs així que potser val la pena cercar ERROR o oreilly als logs)

ccoreilly avatar Apr 10 '21 18:04 ccoreilly

Aquí va el que ix de adb logcat:

fran@ipek:/tmp/LossAccPlotter$ adb logcat | grep -e oreilly -e ERROR
04-10 16:07:25.485   817   863 E LocSvc_APIClientBase: onResponseCb:894] ERROR: 5 ID: 47
04-10 16:07:26.664   817   863 E LocSvc_APIClientBase: onResponseCb:894] ERROR: 5 ID: 49
04-10 16:14:24.532  5143  5712 E Icing   : Cursor call threw an exception: no such table: MusicRecording_com.google.android.gms_seq_table (code 1 SQLITE_ERROR): , while compiling: SELECT * FROM [MusicRecording_com.google.android.gms_seq_table] WHERE seqno>0 AND tag IS NULL ORDER BY seqno LIMIT 20
04-10 16:14:25.758  5143  5712 E Icing   : Cursor call threw an exception: no such table: MusicRecording_com.google.android.gms_seq_table (code 1 SQLITE_ERROR): , while compiling: SELECT * FROM [MusicRecording_com.google.android.gms_seq_table] WHERE seqno>0 AND tag IS NULL ORDER BY seqno LIMIT 20
04-10 16:14:25.763  5143  5712 E Icing   : Cursor call threw an exception: no such table: MusicGroup_com.google.android.gms_seq_table (code 1 SQLITE_ERROR): , while compiling: SELECT * FROM [MusicGroup_com.google.android.gms_seq_table] WHERE seqno>0 AND tag IS NULL ORDER BY seqno LIMIT 20
04-10 16:14:25.768  5143  5712 E Icing   : Cursor call threw an exception: no such table: MusicAlbum_com.google.android.gms_seq_table (code 1 SQLITE_ERROR): , while compiling: SELECT * FROM [MusicAlbum_com.google.android.gms_seq_table] WHERE seqno>0 AND tag IS NULL ORDER BY seqno LIMIT 20
04-10 16:18:32.662  3278  3278 D MotoSystemServer: receive intent :Intent { act=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_ADDED dat=package:cat.oreilly.localstt flg=0x4000010 (has extras) }
04-10 16:18:32.662  3278  3278 D MotoSystemServer:  packageName = cat.oreilly.localstt
04-10 16:18:32.662 17077 17077 D Avrcp_ext: AvrcpServiceBroadcastReceiver-> packageName: cat.oreilly.localstt
04-10 16:18:32.687 17077 17077 D Avrcp_ext: packageName: cat.oreilly.localstt removed: false
04-10 16:18:32.745 17077 17077 D BluetoothMapAppObserver: The installed package is: cat.oreilly.localstt
04-10 16:18:32.788  1745  6704 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_ADDED dat=package:cat.oreilly.localstt flg=0x4000010 (has extras) } to com.google.android.packageinstaller/com.android.packageinstaller.PackageInstalledReceiver
04-10 16:18:32.793  1745  1775 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_ADDED dat=package:cat.oreilly.localstt flg=0x4000010 (has extras) } to com.facebook.appmanager/com.facebook.oxygen.common.packages.event.manifest.ManifestPackageEventReceiver
04-10 16:18:32.794  1745  1775 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_ADDED dat=package:cat.oreilly.localstt flg=0x4000010 (has extras) } to com.google.android.gms/.games.chimera.GamesSystemBroadcastReceiverProxy
04-10 16:18:32.794  1745  1775 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_ADDED dat=package:cat.oreilly.localstt flg=0x4000010 (has extras) } to com.google.android.gms/.gass.chimera.PackageChangeBroadcastReceiver
04-10 16:18:32.797  1745  1775 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_ADDED dat=package:cat.oreilly.localstt flg=0x4000010 (has extras) } to com.google.android.gms/.chimera.GmsIntentOperationService$PersistentTrustedReceiver
04-10 16:18:32.797  1745  1775 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_ADDED dat=package:cat.oreilly.localstt flg=0x4000010 (has extras) } to com.google.android.ims/.receivers.RcsAutoStartReceiver
04-10 16:18:32.819  2405  2405 D ImsResolver: maybeAddedImsService, packageName: cat.oreilly.localstt
04-10 16:18:32.870  2794  6676 W GCM     : Unexpected forwarded intent: Intent { act=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_ADDED dat=package:cat.oreilly.localstt flg=0x4000010 cmp=com.google.android.gms/.chimera.PersistentIntentOperationService (has extras) }
04-10 16:18:32.945  2794  6657 W GCM     : Unexpected forwarded intent: Intent { act=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_ADDED dat=package:cat.oreilly.localstt flg=0x4000010 cmp=com.google.android.gms/.chimera.PersistentIntentOperationService (has extras) }
04-10 16:18:32.959  1745  3441 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_ADDED dat=package:cat.oreilly.localstt flg=0x4000010 (has extras) } to com.aurora.store/.data.receiver.PackageManagerReceiver
04-10 16:18:33.033  3629  3791 E DiagSdk : Caused by: java.sql.SQLException: Unable to run insert stmt on object AppIdentifierModel{packageName='cat.oreilly.localstt', applicationName='LocalSTT', versionName='1.0', versionCode=1, previousVersionName='null', previousVersionCode=0, preloaded=false, location='INTERNAL', installationSource='com.google.android.packageinstaller', lastUpdateDate=1618085912374, firstInstallDate=1618085912374, uid=10257, uninstalled=false} HsReportBaseData{hsReportConfiguration=hsReportId=450} StoredData{_id=0, timestamp=1618085912815, simCardId='null', dataContext=null}: INSERT INTO `AppIdentifierModelDCF` (`applicationName` ,`firstInstallDate` ,`installationSource` ,`lastUpdateDate` ,`location` ,`packageName` ,`preloaded` ,`previousVersionCode` ,`previousVersionName` ,`uid` ,`uninstalled` ,`versionCode` ,`versionName` ,`hsReportConfiguration_id` ,`id` ,`simCardId` ,`timestamp` ) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)
04-10 16:18:33.128  5143  6688 I ChromeSync: [Sync,SyncIntentOperation] Handling the intent: Intent { act=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_ADDED dat=package:cat.oreilly.localstt flg=0x4000010 cmp=com.google.android.gms/.chimera.GmsIntentOperationService (has extras) }.
04-10 16:18:33.130  5143  6656 I FontLog : Package cat.oreilly.localstt has no metadata [CONTEXT service_id=132 ]
04-10 16:18:33.918  1745  6704 I ActivityTaskManager: START u0 {act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] flg=0x10000000 pkg=cat.oreilly.localstt cmp=cat.oreilly.localstt/.SpeechActivity} from uid 10077
04-10 16:18:33.963  1745  1776 I ActivityManager: Start proc 6705:cat.oreilly.localstt/u0a257 for activity {cat.oreilly.localstt/cat.oreilly.localstt.SpeechActivity}
04-10 16:18:34.137  1339  1451 D InstalledAppProviderSer: insertAppIntoDb cat.oreilly.localstt
04-10 16:18:34.665  1745  1769 I WindowManager: Window drawn AppWindowToken{fb46ea3 token=Token{e01edd2 ActivityRecord{14c405d u0 cat.oreilly.localstt/.SpeechActivity t5463}}}
04-10 16:18:34.687  1745  1769 I WindowManager:   SURFACE show Surface(name=cat.oreilly.localstt/cat.oreilly.localstt.SpeechActivity)/@0x5995acf on display:0: cat.oreilly.localstt/cat.oreilly.localstt.SpeechActivity
04-10 16:18:36.036  5859  5859 V GrantPermissionsActivity: Logged buttons presented and clicked permissionGroupName=android.permission-group.MICROPHONE uid=10257 package=cat.oreilly.localstt presentedButtons=9 clickedButton=1
04-10 16:18:36.047  5859  5859 V GrantPermissionsActivity: Permission grant result requestId=-3157845560291730275 callingUid=10257 callingPackage=cat.oreilly.localstt permission=android.permission.RECORD_AUDIO isImplicit=false result=4
04-10 16:18:36.065  1745  3441 V WindowManager: Changing focus from Window{9eb7f2e u0 com.google.android.permissioncontroller/com.android.packageinstaller.permission.ui.GrantPermissionsActivity} to Window{e2d7a7e u0 cat.oreilly.localstt/cat.oreilly.localstt.SpeechActivity} displayId=0
04-10 16:18:38.244  1745 27266 W NotificationService: Toast already killed. pkg=cat.oreilly.localstt callback=android.app.ITransientNotification$Stub$Proxy@cb02bb4
04-10 16:18:40.278  1745  3443 W NotificationService: Toast already killed. pkg=cat.oreilly.localstt callback=android.app.ITransientNotification$Stub$Proxy@e7e8a03
04-10 16:18:59.528  1745  4572 V WindowManager: Changing focus from Window{e2d7a7e u0 cat.oreilly.localstt/cat.oreilly.localstt.SpeechActivity} to Window{90609ff u0 com.motorola.launcher3/com.android.launcher3.CustomizationPanelLauncher} displayId=0
04-10 16:18:59.623  1745  3443 I WindowManager: Window drawn AppWindowToken{fb46ea3 token=Token{e01edd2 ActivityRecord{14c405d u0 cat.oreilly.localstt/.SpeechActivity t5463}}}
04-10 16:19:02.391  1745 20242 I ActivityTaskManager: START u0 {act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] flg=0x10200000 cmp=cat.oreilly.localstt/.SpeechActivity bnds=[25,70][159,301]} from uid 10178
04-10 16:19:02.531  1745  1769 I LaunchCheckinHandler: Displayed cat.oreilly.localstt/.SpeechActivity,wp,ca,117
04-10 16:19:02.531  1745  1769 I WindowManager: Window drawn AppWindowToken{fb46ea3 token=Token{e01edd2 ActivityRecord{14c405d u0 cat.oreilly.localstt/.SpeechActivity t5463}}}
04-10 16:19:02.635  1745 20242 V WindowManager: Changing focus from null to Window{20e47da u0 cat.oreilly.localstt/cat.oreilly.localstt.SpeechActivity} displayId=0
04-10 16:19:02.651  1745  1769 I WindowManager: Window drawn AppWindowToken{1f88e1b token=Token{97d802a ActivityRecord{9fbc515 u0 cat.oreilly.localstt/.SpeechActivity t5463}}}
04-10 16:19:02.656  1745  1769 I WindowManager:   SURFACE show Surface(name=cat.oreilly.localstt/cat.oreilly.localstt.SpeechActivity)/@0x862783d on display:0: cat.oreilly.localstt/cat.oreilly.localstt.SpeechActivity
04-10 16:19:02.656  1745  1774 I ActivityTaskManager: Displayed cat.oreilly.localstt/.SpeechActivity: +140ms
04-10 16:19:02.656  1745  1769 I WindowManager:   SURFACE show Surface(name=cat.oreilly.localstt/cat.oreilly.localstt.SpeechActivity)/@0xebdf832 on display:0: cat.oreilly.localstt/cat.oreilly.localstt.SpeechActivity
04-10 16:19:06.210  1745  3433 W NotificationService: Toast already killed. pkg=cat.oreilly.localstt callback=android.app.ITransientNotification$Stub$Proxy@c87c265
04-10 16:19:08.883  6705  6802 I VoskAPI : ReadDataFiles():src/model.cc:221) Loading i-vector extractor from /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/cat.oreilly.localstt/files/sync/vosk-catala/ivector/final.ie
04-10 16:19:09.682  6705  6802 I VoskAPI : ReadDataFiles():src/model.cc:251) Loading HCL and G from /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/cat.oreilly.localstt/files/sync/vosk-catala/graph/HCLr.fst /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/cat.oreilly.localstt/files/sync/vosk-catala/graph/Gr.fst
04-10 16:19:10.642  6705  6802 I VoskAPI : ReadDataFiles():src/model.cc:273) Loading winfo /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/cat.oreilly.localstt/files/sync/vosk-catala/graph/phones/word_boundary.int
04-10 16:19:14.402  4832  5054 E Summit  : [ERROR] [    5054] 16:19:14.402: cm.adapter.impl: isValidTag(): Tag 'video' is not valid
04-10 16:19:14.402  4832  5054 E Summit  : [ERROR] [    5054] 16:19:14.402: cm.adapter.impl: isValidTag(): Tag '+g.3gpp.icsi-ref="urn%3Aurn-7%3A3gpp-service.ims.icsi.mmtel"' is not valid
04-10 16:19:17.411  6705  6705 D SpeechActivity: Intent { act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] flg=0x10000000 pkg=cat.oreilly.localstt cmp=cat.oreilly.localstt/.SpeechActivity }

ftyers avatar Apr 10 '21 20:04 ftyers

Gràcies per el log. De bones a primeres no veig res fora del normal, sembla que el model carregui bé. Miraré de còrrer l'aplicació a l'emulador amb Android 10 a veure si trobo res però trigaré una mica ja que últimament no tinc temps...

ccoreilly avatar Apr 18 '21 08:04 ccoreilly

Val, gràcies! Si tinguera més espai a l'ordenador instal·laria l'SDK jo mateix :D

Per cert, tens pensat fer-ho possible instal·lar un nou model sense haver de recompilar/empaquetejar l'aplicació sencer?

ftyers avatar Apr 20 '21 13:04 ftyers

Per cert, tens pensat fer-ho possible instal·lar un nou model sense haver de recompilar/empaquetejar l'aplicació sencer?

Per exemple, tinc aquí un llistat de models per a les llengües de Common Voice, no tots seran útils (la taxa d'error és massa alt), però alguns sí.

ftyers avatar May 08 '21 15:05 ftyers

Hola Francis, sí ho vaig pensar però no tinc temps ara mateix per fer i mantenir una aplicació amb cara i ulls. El codi del dipòsit només era un PoC i si algú vol fer-ne una aplicació seré el primer en fer-la servir!

ccoreilly avatar May 08 '21 15:05 ccoreilly

Bueno, aquí va alguns .apk per alguns dels models que he entrenat. Sé molt poc de Java, i encara no funciona al meu mòbil, però potser seran útils per algú. Gràcies altra volta per tot el treball!

ftyers avatar May 08 '21 23:05 ftyers

Bueno, aquí va alguns .apk per alguns dels models que he entrenat. Sé molt poc de Java, i encara no funciona al meu mòbil, però potser seran útils per algú. Gràcies altra volta per tot el treball!

Any chance of having a Spanish model apk release?

jafuuu avatar Sep 05 '21 22:09 jafuuu

@jafuuu here is a build with the Vosk Spanish model, let me know if it works for you. I am working on having a model download activity so one build serves all languages, but I haven't had much time lately...

ccoreilly avatar Sep 08 '21 19:09 ccoreilly

@jafuuu here is a build with the Vosk Spanish model, let me know if it works for you. I am working on having a model download activity so one build serves all languages, but I haven't had much time lately...

Sorry for such a slow reply, I've been using this along with Konele for the past week or so and as a MicroG user I have to say that it actually changed the way I use my phone, it amazes me how accurate it is, I cannot thank you enough

jafuuu avatar Sep 24 '21 06:09 jafuuu

Hello @jafuuu, and @ccoreilly, thank you for putting this together!

I had the same error problem in Android 11. Do you have an English version?

@jafuuu: I see that this link (https://models.omnilingo.cc/localstt/ ) has several languages. Is -eu an english version? I didn't see -en or -uk for english.

ewheelerinc avatar Nov 10 '21 00:11 ewheelerinc

eu is for Basque, I haven't trained an English one because I don't work with English. :)

ftyers avatar Nov 10 '21 01:11 ftyers

@ftyers, would you be willing to train an english build with models from https://models.omnilingo.cc/ so we can test it?

ewheelerinc avatar Nov 19 '21 02:11 ewheelerinc