hicknotify copied to clipboard
consider adding webhooks
Cool project! You should consider adding functionality to send a webhook if it detects motion. This will potentially let you integrate with more automation tools.
I would like to see this as well, but will try myself first ;)
So I worked with the code and was able to trigger my domotica webhook, instead of an email. Replace <YOUR_HTTP_WEBHOOK_URL> with your URL.
So this code will not send an email, just a simple HTTP request. Also I'm only triggering it when there is a "fielddetection" (Intrusion alarm) and not "VMD" (Motion detection). That is done somewhere else in the code.
//fmt.Println("SENDING NOTIFICATION FOR", event, event.camera.Name, now)
//m := gomail.NewMessage()
//m.SetHeader("From", config.MailFrom)
//m.SetHeader("To", config.MailTo...)
//m.SetHeader("Subject", fmt.Sprintf("[NVR] Event in '%s'", event.camera.Name))
//m.SetBody("text/html", fmt.Sprintf("Event: %s
State: %s
Count: %d
At: %s
In: %s
Url: %s",event.etype, event.estate, event.ecount, now, event.camera.Name, event.camera.Url))
//d := gomail.NewDialer(config.MailServer, config.MailPort, config.MailUser, config.MailPassword) //err := d.DialAndSend(m) //if err != nil { // fmt.Println("ERROR SENDING NOTIFICATION", err) //} resp, err := http.Get("<YOUR_HTTP_WEBHOOK_URL>") if err != nil { fmt.Println("ERROR SENDING NOTIFICATION", err) } fmt.Println("Response:", resp) `