forceng copied to clipboard
oauthPlugin = cordova.require("com.salesforce.plugin.oauth"); Issue
Hey, I have tried you app using force-server and it runs perfectly, great tutorial. However, I am trying to run your app on an Android device, but it opens up to a blank screen and the code stops at the oauthPlugin = cordova.require("com.salesforce.plugin.oauth"); line. Now I don't believe this is an issue on your part, as it seems more of a problem with my configuration of cordova. But have you come across this issue before or have any possible solutions?
Hi jduelfer did you manage to get it working with Ionic-View?
@jduelfer @bonhomie Were you able to fix this issue? I am also having the same problem. The application works fine for iOS. But with Android, I am not able to get past the oauth.
Thanks in advance
@bonhomie I have not tried using Ionic-View, when I have some time again I trying working with that and see how it goes. @udaykumarbpatel no, I wasn't. I could also manage to get it going on iOS, but I'm working in Spain and nobody uses iOS, so it's kind of a bummer. For Android, I have tried different things and anytime with oauth using plugins, there are issues with the way Android displays WebViews. Please me know if you get anything working.
I'm having the same issue: Uncaught module com.salesforce.plugin.oauth not found
Using Ionic Salesforce template with plugin com.salesforce 4.0.2 "SalesforceMobileSDK Plugins"
This looks like the problem, when adding android platform
Updated the hooks directory to have execute permissions Adding android project... Creating Cordova project for the Android platform: Path: platforms/android Package: com.ionicframework.starter Name: HelloCordova Activity: MainActivity Android target: android-23 Android project created with [email protected] Running command: /Users/Darren/IonicApp/hooks/after_prepare/010_add_platform_class.js /Users/Darren/IonicApp add to body class: platform-android Installing "com.salesforce" for android Plugin doesn't support this project's cordova-android version. cordova-android: 5.1.0, failed version requirement: 5.0.0 Skipping 'com.salesforce' for android
After downgrading to cordova 5.0.0, "cordova/ionic run" doesn't do anything
@darrenatyurgosky you can use $ ionic platform add [email protected] to add proper version. But even with proper version, I am still getting white screen, iOS simulator works well. There is no error on Chrome console. @jduelfer did you figure out the problem yet?
Hi everybody. I have the same issue. Did you find the solution?
I'm having the same issue as well.. weird that this didn't get solved since December.
Hi smukov. It is a matter of tools version. I've written an article about Ionic and SFDC where I show all the versions required for working. Give a check, maybe you can use it to solve your problem. Kind regards
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